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Nicholas Theodorakis Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 8 years ago on Mom's Cancer

    Brian is probably too modest to toot his own horn, but “Mom’s Cancer” is available in book form:


  2. about 9 years ago on Watch Your Head

    That got more creepy with time.

  3. over 10 years ago on C'est la Vie

    Just take a drink anytime a character from “Frozen” comes to the door and that should make for a short night.

  4. over 11 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    I still have a flip phone! (shut up!)

  5. almost 12 years ago on Candorville

    [sniff] Excuse me. I think some ninjas snuck in here and are cutting up some onions behind me to make my eyes tear.

  6. almost 12 years ago on Cleats

    “Lady, I’m not an athlete. I’m a professional baseball player.”— John Kruk

  7. almost 12 years ago on C'est la Vie

    No, we don’ t traditionally include bunnies. Good thing he’s a bunny and not a lamb, though!

  8. almost 12 years ago on Luann

    This is Luann, not Funky Winkerbean

  9. almost 12 years ago on Jane's World

    When my daughters used to get in a fight with each other, the dog would hide in her kennel.

  10. almost 12 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    [citation needed]