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  1. about 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I think Puddleglum2’s point is that everyone who doesn’t believe the way he does is simply afraid of the possibility that it might be true. If this were the case people would believe simply because of that fear. The evil underbelly of Puddleglum2’s religion (and the solid base that that specific religion is founded upon) is the fear of the possibility of eternal damnation, which doesn’t really sound like “agape” love to me. Puddleglum2 wants people to live the way his religion says they should live which is completely counterintuitive to the concept of free will.

    Also you can throw as many bible verses at a rational conversation as you want, they still hold no bearing on the conversation and add absolutely nothing to the discussion. Preaching a sermon on Jesus’ love for mankind has nothing to do with the ‘plight of man’ as it were, so keep it in church man.