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  1. about 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    The “courage to be critical of a Democratic President”? I don’t know if you get out much, but there are lots and lots of people who are critical of Obama. Some of them are even Democrats, too! This sort of courage ain’t exactly hard to find.

  2. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    Don’t be so quick to dismiss the placebo effect!

  3. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    First Law of Holes: When you’re in one, stop digging.

  4. over 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    I’ve heard that line… it actually happened to me when I was in fact applying for a job I was overqualified for. They outright admitted they thought I’d stay with them for six months and then jump ship for greener pastures. I can’t say they were wrong either…

  5. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    “At fault” for what, exactly? What exactly is the problem? Figure that out, and then we can decide who to blame is.

    Me, I see the problem as being “let’s fix the national debt when NOBODY has any money!” That’s pure Republicanism. Bill Clinton made good efforts towards the problem in the late 90s when the economy was flush. THAT is when you try to solve problems like this.

    Alternatively, you solve the problem by turning to the PEOPLE who are flush. You revoke the Bush tax cuts. Maybe you go further and look to the 1950s when the economy was ROARING and yet the top tax bracket was 91%.

    Contrary to the current Republican mantra, you CAN soak the rich and still have a roaring economy. IF the GOP wants us to be all sacrificial and stuff, then we might be well-advised to follow Eisenhower’s lead.

    (Me, I’m not saying we need to go quite that far. Just pointing out that it’s possible. But we do need to raise the top tax bracket(s), for sure. Everybody should sacrifice if that is truly what is necessary.)

  6. over 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    To be fair, it’s not really three fronts so much as it is three wars. In WWII the Americans, British and Russians all collaborated and coordinated. That’s one war with multiple fronts.

    The Iraqis, Afghanis and Libyans aren’t coordinating anything with each other. We are fighting them independently of each other. Which is not nearly so troublesome as what the Germans were trying to do.

  7. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    Also bear in mind that this puts cellphones, as a cancer-causing agent, in the same category as coffee and pickles.

  8. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    Now go back, read my comment – only two above yours – and try again. The Democrat would have won without the TEA party guy.

    The TEA party guy had run, in 2006 and 2004, as the Democratic nominee for the seat. This doesn’t make him a “phony R perot”… it means that people in the district remember him as a Democrat in the past. Think that means he exclusively “siphoned” off Republic voters? Think again.

    Exit polls show about 1/3 of his votes would have otherwise been Democratic votes… so take the breakdown 47-43-9 and divvy those 9 percent up 6 to the Republican and 3 to the Democrat.

    Oh, look, guess who still wins? 50-49, Hochul!

  9. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    Two points. 1) This is a STRONGLY Republican district, historically. They haven’t been represented by a Democrat since the 1960s. For the Dems to win 48% of the vote HERE is unprecedented.

    2) You are assuming that all 9% of the TEA party candidate’s votes would have gone to the Republican had he not been in the race. That’s not so. Exit polling shows it probably would have broken 2-1 for the Republican. That’s 6% for the GOP and 3% for the Dems. Without the TEA party candidate it would have been 51-49 for the DEMOCRAT. Which is still a win in my book

  10. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    But we’ll always have Abottabad.