The reason it switched is because this is a comic and not ‘realistic.’ It’s the same logic as asking “why does Daffy Duck pause in the air before falling off a cliff? That’s not realistic…” DUH!
Disclaimer??! Has this country turned into a bunch of weenies or what?! If some kid really tries this and gets hurt, I would laugh and say it’s his own bleeep fault.
Oh please…dark humor is still humor. You can make fun of anything in my opinion. I think bad taste is in the eye of the beholder. I think “losing readers” means that the comic is successful. You can’t please everyone, you just have to go with what you think is funny. And yes, hunters deserve to be killed by the animals they hunt, I shed no tear for those who hunt.
Much better than the old video game “Paperboy”…i loved that game, but totally SUCKED at it!