Bubba head shot

arvelru Free

Retired, living with a cat rescued from the animal shelter and a wife who tolerates both of us and who, in turn, also helps spoil the piano playing cat.

Recent Comments

  1. about 11 years ago on Betty

    swr said,I use to dream I was a teepee, i’d wake up and when I went back to sleep I dream I was a wigwam. When I told my doctor he said I was too tense. (two tents)

    Whether this is an “oldie” or not, in all of my 77 years I don’t ever remember hearing it. Frankly, I think it merits a prize as one of the most brilliant play on words I’ve ever heard. I am certainly labeling it “a goodie.”

  2. almost 12 years ago on Dick Tracy

    You miss SDM who would write and post with quite a flair, His postings not for the squeamish who labeled him unfair. This is your day when your sun shines brightly And the nighttime moon lights your path nightly; Good news! SDM is alive and well and still posting among us. A critical mind is still his forte but without all the fuss. Derogatory nicknames for his foes he no longer displays; Albeit his attacks on artwork and storyline flow as always. Now it is YOUR job, all you sharp DT fans out there, To discover his new “handle” use logic, wisdom and be aware His M.O. is like a signpost to clearly lead you to his lair. Certain posters have already solved this riddle, I am certain, Check with e-a-n-r-e-g-v for more clues to lower this curtain.

  3. about 13 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Sorry, Cowboy1, but Fearless Fosdick says he is presently occupied trying to arrest a “chair!”

  4. about 13 years ago on Li'l Abner

    More good news for Dogpatch! Some of the “rubbish” in the bomb making process will not be dumped on you, as we have found a beneficial use for it. The chemical hydroflurosilicic acid, more commonly known as “flouride” will be added to your water wells and your water supply sources to allow your children to eat all the sugar they want and never have cavities. We get rid of the rubbish and you rid yourselves of tooth decay. Uncle Sam is watching out for dogpatch and all U. S. citizens. Happy New Year!

  5. over 13 years ago on Shoe

    Warning! One of the contenders just might be a BIRD dog!

  6. over 13 years ago on Li'l Abner

    Let’s see…5 sandwiches and two containers of coffee all for 80 cents. Yep, this comic was created in the thirties!