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Aviatrexx Premium

Retired mainframe computer geek, fixed- and sling-wing pilot, weaned on Pogo in the fifties.

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Frazz

    Yes, for the most part, he needs to be promoted to an academic grade more suitable to his intellect and creativity. The problem is, there are many other, and competing, developmental reasons for keeping him with his chronological peers. A progressive school system, with appropriate funding, would have a “Special Abilities and Talents” program, as mine did when I started third grade. And much to the relief of teachers, too.

  2. about 22 hours ago on Frazz

    I grew up in a rural part of NC, where any sort of snowfall was a rare delight. Getting enough to make a decent-sized snowman was not a yearly event. When I grew up, it seemed like every household move took me further and further north, until I was living outside of Baltimore, where winter snows were a regular occurrence. One winter, I came back from a business trip to find that several days of snow storms had buried our front yard to the extent that it was completely flat across the yard and driveway, with her car parked in it. Not even its radio antenna stuck out of the drift.

    My first words to her were, “Honey, we’re moving further south.” Which we did as soon as she found a research job in, of all places, the Research Triangle Park. I made sure to bring my snow shovel with me, which has a conspicuous place in my garage, as a talisman. I’ve never had to use it since.

  3. 5 days ago on Frazz

    I’m sorry R’lyeh, I don’t consider more than doubling the price ($15 to $35/yr) a mere “price increase”. That’s over double what I paid last year. For that, I ought to get the direct email address for my favorite cartoonist, or the ability to block some of the, um, less-sanguine commenters, or get one strip per year that incorporates my NIL, or something.

    Other than possibly the “Modernized commenting platform”, I have no need for any of the six bulleted “New!, Enhanced!” features on offer. So, depending on how this “Exciting news” is implemented, I may regain an hour of productive work in my days, come April.

  4. 5 days ago on Frazz

    Maybe the kid has an unfortunate last name …

  5. 6 days ago on Frazz

    Semi-off-topic: I wonder if the “modernized commenting platform” in the “brand-new GoComics” coming in April will allow us to comment on political cartoons, as we used to.

  6. 8 days ago on Frazz

    I suspect the truth is that, in a deadline-intensive business, Mr. Mallett has a library of stock images that he “draws” from, then modifies, because the image is not nearly as important as what he puts into the character’s speech cloud.

  7. 9 days ago on Frazz

    Why do you think they need to have a reason? I’ve seen kids wrap one arm over the top of their head, grab a shoulder with their hand, clasp hands and stretch their arms behind them, and all manner of other gymnastic moves, all while trying to focus on asking a question. Their muscles itch, and they have to do something with them. Standing upright, arms at their sides, and facing forward while asking a question is a learned (beaten in?) behavior.

  8. 14 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I don’t buy it. Starting a siphon is tricky, even for adults who know how. I don’t know any toddler who could do it unattended. But as a clever “What will unattended kids do next?” premise, it’s cute.

  9. 17 days ago on Frazz

    Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron. Pick one. When you can’t, we’ll be in a world of hurt.

  10. 20 days ago on Frazz

    I’ve been a tool-user, -collector, and -maker since I was seven. In my professional life, 99% of my tools were digital, and “space” for them was a little easier to manage (if still a non-trivial issue). Owning a home, and caring about its upkeep and improvement is a fiendishly expensive endeavor if you must pay for tradesmen to come out and do it for you, as most of my colleagues do. While that is good for the local economy, I prefer to support it at a more granular level (scrapyards, lumber/hardware stores). But if I can modify or repurpose something that I already have, the expense rapidly approaches zero. That assumes my skill & experience came free (which they decidedly did not) but anything that I don’t have to buy is a win. And I totally control the scope and quality of the finished work.

    I’ve never rented a storage unit, but I do have a couple of shipping containers, one each for re-purposable wood, metal, and books. It’s rare that I don’t find what I need in them. The need for them was a major consideration when we moved from our Stepfordian subdivision house (with all of its HOA covenants) to our modest little place in the woods on the lake. You have to know what’s really important.