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  1. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Well since our politicians won’t let us get the job done, what else are we supposed to do? The only ones upset are the desert queens who aren’t getting the attention they might normally.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Wait….you’ve been reading this stuff since ‘73?

  3. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I never fully appreciated how cowed we’d become, but the comments sure reflect how brainwashed we are as a population. In a period of time when our country is sliding into socialism, you’re attacking our last line of defense to protect our constitutional rights. Go ahead America, give up your guns you can we fall in line with the socialist dogma of Obama and his crony’s

    In a Democracy, you don’t get the best representation, you get the representation you deserve.

  4. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I recognize this is a political satire cartoon, but really. Why not get to the discussion of the nations adoption of socialism, between Pelosi and all the other political clowns in Washington there must be some good material there.

    By the way I do carry, as much as a political statement of individuality as for my family’s protection. Read the numbers, guns, when carried by law abiding citizens reduce crime.

  5. about 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Guys watch this…..

    Roz was pretty lucky to be able to see the television the men were watching from the kitchen…….

    Let the fun begin.

  6. about 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    15 Year Army Veteran, 2 Combat Tours in Iraq.

    We call them desert queens.

    The issue with women in combat isn’t with the women necessarily (although having separate standards undermines their credibility). It’s with the men. Women are too much of a distractor for our Soldiers. I don’t care what the command does or tries to do, you put a bunch of 19-20 year old men in an austere combat environment, then throw in one woman for every hundred of them and the hormones take over. The best we can do is enforce basic discipline, but all the men are doing is looking is this case, sorry if I don’t see an issue. The command would step in if any inappropriate physical gestures were made, or if the ladies were verbally accosted. If she feels she being assaulted again every time a man looks at her she’s a danger to herself, and the men she’s serving with.