Ss 100419 volcano lightning full

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  1. 26 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    Now look at lawsuits against CNN.

    The biggest difference between Fox news and the multitude of left-wing news outlets is that Fox is far more overt about their bias.

    It was a business decision.

    Fox news started out as a neutral media outlet to compete with the far left CNN and the generally left leaning major broadcasting networks. Fox was immediately attacked, portrayed as a biased, right wing mouthpiece by their competition.

    Then an interesting thing happened. The attacks worked in convincing people that Fox was biased, but viewers didn’t care….in fact, many chose Fox specifically to hear the news presented in a way they wanted to hear.

    Fox quickly realized that they had a huge market, all they had to do is become biased like they were already being accused of being and they would pull in a pre-built audience.

    So the leftist Main Stream Media, in an attempt to destroy fair and unbiased news, wound up creating their right-wing counterpart in yellow journalism.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    …and WAS water dumped into the ocean instead of reservoirs? WAS the firefighter budget cut? DID the fire engines get stopped and have to pass inspection before they were allowed to assist in the wildfires?

    Finally, have YOU held yourself to the same standard you are trying to force on me? Have you provided evidence supporting your claims?

    No, of course not, you can’t even admit when you are talking (obsessing) about Trump.

  3. about 9 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    You changed what I originally said to try to make by supporting links somehow invalid – Really not good for your credibility.

    You insult anyone who doesn’t agree with you – This also hurts your credibility, and your intelligence.

    You’ve done both of these while not providing any supporting evidence of your own – Double standards like that make you lose almost all credibility you may have had.

    Finally, when you won’t even say who you are talking about and instead delete an entire thread to avoid accountability is shows you for who you really are.

  4. about 15 hours ago on That is Priceless

    Let’s see….It says "Press 1 for sounds of the ocean, Press 2 for calls of the whales, and press 3 for Enya’s ‘Orinoco Flow’ "

  5. about 16 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    As expected, a lot of people jumped up and started saying that it’s only Fox news that is biased.

    It’s not biased if it sounds like something I like to hear, eh?

    Now watch the replies accuse me of being a mindless Fox news junkie, despite my opening comment saying they are biased.

  6. about 16 hours ago on Frazz

    It’s impressive your dedication to irrational hatred to get mad at the people who expose government waste and kickbacks.

  7. 2 days ago on Bottom Liners

    The End is Near- It’s Trump’s fault that everything is ish.

    Good seats still available – It’s Trump’s fault the economy is ish.

  8. 2 days ago on Strange Brew

    stage hands.

  9. 2 days ago on Bottom Liners

    They did, you lied about my proof, AND provided no evidence of your own.

    This is a classic example of TDS – even when you are presented with evidence showing an opposing viewpoint you refuse to acknowledge it. Your hatred is so overwhelming that not even reality stands a chance in your mind.

  10. 2 days ago on Bottom Liners

    YOU just lied about everything I provided evidence for, while giving zero of your own. If it weren’t for double standards you’d have no standards at all.