
grandmatippytoes Free

I like Brenda Starr, Mark Trail, super heroes, Garfield and many more. Mostly I like to read or play mahjongg.

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  1. about 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    yes repentance is key,and it brings about change so you are able to do what God calls you to do. I will be back 2m. Havent been able to sleep and have a busy day 2m. Have blessed nite.

  2. about 15 years ago on Big Top

    Hi everyone just drpped in for a minute. too tired to hangout and Im not quite the SOCIAL BUTTERFLY Doc T is. I love to read, usually novels by Kay Hooper, Patrica Cornwall, James Patterson , DEAN koontz occasionally, etc n so on.. Too tired to stay awake, couldnt sleep at all last nite or 2d. I always have trouble sleeping but had to take pain meds [2 protect myself against Doc T] LOL meds make it hard 2 sleep. Maybe Ill catch you 2m. Wild Cheetah makin baked mac n cheese. yum. Have a wonderful wk and God Bless

  3. about 15 years ago on Big Top

    Oh that was so good and now my tummy is so full Im sure Im gona explode any mi…………….nute. Whew that was stinky!

    now Im sleepy Good night all

  4. about 15 years ago on Big Top

    Hi Dry , Carmy, Marqueritem just dropped in to c whats 4 breakfast. It sounds delicious Dry but can I plz have my eggs ovr medium and Jimmy Dean Sausage and 2 pancakes? Oh and gtta have fruit salad. Thank you Dry

  5. about 15 years ago on Big Top

    Good night and hey Luvh8 gave me an idea. lets shorten Grandmatippytoes ti GmaT

  6. about 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Well good night all of you. This is a good group for discussing these things. Sry I cant Quote you chapter and verse. I memorized the words but not the books etc. Luvh8 you need a good Bible with a concordance that lists certain Bible words alphabetically. Usually found in the back of the Bible but u may b able 2 buy one separately. Thank you for list of notes. they can b helpful. You are all beautiful people. Good night and God bless each of you.

  7. about 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Wow too much to swallow all at once. I am not RC for reasons DerekA has cited, but it is because Jesus said no one goes unto the Father but through me, and Catholics believe they need as many intercessors as they can have. Im sure they are not worshiping saints and statues but the way things are set up it is easy for outsiders to get the wrong ideas, like when saying the stations of the cross, they walk past all these representations and look at them while praying. Good way to cause confusion.

  8. about 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    I havent heard of Your authors. Ill have to check them out. Billy Graham is Evangelical but He is a great church leader and really got Gods word out there. He also wrote some very good books so I cant hold being Evangelical against him. Iam neither evangelical nor RC. I dont currently go to any church, but I do believe in the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and salvation through Christ Jesus by grace plus nothing. It is a gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. KJV or New American Standard or new KJV.

  9. about 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    luvh8 Gma is what my grandkids call me when texting. thats a nice short version. I like it.

    DerekA You are right about Hal Lindsey. I did read “Count Down to Armageddon” I was very disappointed when I did. I havent read or looked for his books since. However the 2 books I mentioned are easy to read and understand. I didnt throw out the good with the bad. Should I have? you are also right about my misspelling. Sry.

  10. about 15 years ago on Big Top

    Well Ill try to keep him in line. Never been much for tippy toes, but I remember family calling me that as a tease. dont no where it comes from. Maybe one of you no it. I was old when I was a kid.