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  1. over 13 years ago on Bloom County

    I liked Mr. Iaccoca’s trademark phrase “Follow, Lead, Or get (T. F) Out of the Way” He is and has been a visionary like many others and not as arrogant as most of the many

  2. over 13 years ago on B.C.

    I have never been a sports follower, (Call me what you like) and football less than that, with all those loonies pounding the snoot out of the other teams fans, and destroying the fields and facilities, give me a break! I’ll just keep watching the table tennis channel thank you very much!

  3. over 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    @HOWGOZITYes you are right sadly it is true, USPS Brass are still thinking the way of the past, “Just raise rates again and all will be OK!” that is the only thing they are good for , quick fix its instead of cutting out the deep rooted ways of yore namely, unions waste and inefficiency and although there are many good people delivering our mail today there are still many other ways to make it work but alas! time is running short “The King (USPS) is dead, long live the king!” Innovation is the recipe for survival

  4. over 13 years ago on La Cucaracha

    @et all

    i worked in public schools for more than twenty two years, and i have something to share

    The poor kids when asked or directed to do it, were more willing to work (Sweep, pick up trash, wipe spills.etc.) and will do it in a more polite way that say, “Rich kids” and, rich kids would often say to me, “You clean that up after all that’s your job, to clean up after me” trust me the willingness for learning is more ingrained in the poorer classes than in others and yes politeness is not learned is a cultural trait in the humble and kind children of the minorities that so many “I am better than thou” despise

  5. over 14 years ago on La Cucaracha


    I almost forgot, yes the doctors have a union too! (a very rich union at that)

    It is called the A. M. A. and yes, they are protected by their union just check it out and see for yourself

    If only the U F M could pull the strings the A M A does!


    (sorry about the U F W gaffe! I did not mean the

    Unidos Farmers Mexicanos)

    It was to mean the United Farm Workers, A noble human rights Organization that helps without asking you questions

  6. over 14 years ago on La Cucaracha


    To answer some of what I think you already know!

    Yes! the poor (illegals/undocumented) have A LIFETIME POVERTY TRAINING

    Yes! The poor (illegals/undocumented) have A LIFETIME IN SUFFERING FROM HUNGER training (not just ten years)

    Yes! many of them have to get a low pay job to be able to pay the(very high price) they have to agree to be smuggled to a strange land full of (I am better than thou) hypocrites that care only to keep overeating until the drop dead of obese people illnesses

    and Yes! we/they do pro-bono work and do not trumpet it up so others can see how “much good we do” or claim it as a tax deductions which the “All Illegals” are not in a position to take advantage of

    Yes! so many undocumented workers have two or sometimes three jobs (you tally the hours!)

    No! undocumented workers have no inkling of how much a Doctor or nurse get paid, so there, they are just happy to make minimum wages at least (or even less)

    And Yes! Illegals pay taxes Too! every time they buy gasoline, cars, furniture and you name it, except, they are not fully entitled the “benefits” those taxes pay for other than ride on the same streets that the “Legals” use in their newer model cars, they just quietly live and die in anonymity and do not expect you to shed a tear for them THINK ABOUT IT!

    And lastly, if anybody ever need some assistance if you are down on the ground? (do you think the guys that trained for 20 years are going to stop and help you) GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!, and you bet some “Illegal” at least will try to comfort you or give you some water to drink since that could be all He could afford and you will not have to show you have medical insurance

    Thank you lewreader, you have made me fell so much better to allow me to get it out of my chest

  7. over 14 years ago on La Cucaracha

    Hey Lalo! The list of jobs can have a few more additions!

    Fresh oranges at the freeway exit

    Flowers at same place

    Cut mixed fruit served daily in a container at an intersection

    Wave-a-sign at the nearest corner

    Selling “paletas” while pushing a cart (Just like Taco cart Guy)

    and on and on, Oh, I think you get the picture by now. And remember, those are jobs that are offered with no health insurance, no vacations, no pension plans, no “Golden Parachute” or any of the so called benefits we are so much used to (For some people at least)

    any of you “No illegals in my backyards” out there interested? or maybe it is better that the trickle measly taxes the “Illegals” pay towards your “Legally here” people’s retirement funds and/or benefits are better than none (Responses, Please!)

  8. over 14 years ago on La Cucaracha

    My ancestors became indentured servants first to the Spanish “Colonialists” (Invaders) and then to the Manifesto Destiny” land grabbers that took all the land from the first (American Natives) gentle people, that were then used to build forts and “Missions” for the new landowners, and they were not required to have passports or even visitors papers as long and there was a “Genuine desire” to become “Civilized”, take that you bunch of hard headed hypocrites realities are hard to accept when you are as ignorant as it serves your ego-centrist purposes and ideals

  9. almost 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Yes, I agree that there have been many abuses, some recorded and many ignored, in fact there is evidence of many such abuses by churches or other religious organizatons that were kept under wraps to protect themselves and others, (can you say “Rich Patrons”?) Kings, Royals and (you fill the blanks) and even today we best remember that the original sin was INVENTED BY THE CHURCH to scare the bleeep of everyone else, But we must also remember that some if at least one person within those church (es) did some good in their lifetime and we know very litlle of them, and they did not expected to be recognized That is called “Love for your Brethren”

  10. about 15 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Why is it that a country less rich than the U. S. has managed to run a state managed health care system for more than forty years, in which if you are ill you could go and see a doctor (or Nurse) and if you need days off you will get your full pay with no middle men to say “not approved” And… if you are injured on the job you still get your full pay and the necessary medical care to bring you back to the workforce, Oh and all of this is paid for by payroll deductions from everyone who has a job, and it is mandated that you get enrolled when you are hired anywhere in the entire country, no deductibles, no co-pays no additional drug charges, (unless you want to buy your drugs from outside vendors)no lifetime maximum benefits, so.. how’bout it? any body wants to retort this comment? by the way the country is not Cuba! it is closer than that Island