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  1. almost 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Thanks, Ray C! I never noticed the “Nostalgia Week” printed at the top, my eyes skimmed right over it thinking it was the “find it” (which I tend to ignore because I usually can’t find it).

    I was so bummed when my local paper stopped carrying this strip.

  2. almost 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Hey, everybody – I was right! The comic from 3/11 was a repeat from 9/21/07!! Whoever guessed what the reporter was actually saying was right, “You look like the ocean and the stars together.”

    Just wanted you all to know I wasn’t crazy!! Well, at least about this.

  3. almost 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    I still say it’s a repeat, and Dinette_Setter’s fill-in-the-blank made the memory even stronger. Not meaning anything bad, but when other strips repeat a comic, at least they put “Best of …” or “Revisited” or something to make people know that they’re not going crazy when they think it’s familiar. Or maybe that was just the voices in my head. Yeah, yeah, you’re all just jealous that they don’t talk to you …

  4. almost 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    This particular comic seems familiar to me. Is this a repeat?

  5. about 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    My mother told me a story about back when they had pay toilets. She and her cousin were “in distress” but didn’t have any money, so they crawled under the door (ew, ew, EW). The owner of the place saw them and stood outside the stall with a stick and wouldn’t let them out, he kept whacking them. My grandparents finally tracked down my mother in there, and the owner just kept yelling, “They crawl under door like the snakes, they get beaten with stick like the snakes!!”

  6. about 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Love the one “s” in “professor”. The blind leading the blind.

  7. about 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Try chewing a SALAD. Or how about some carrots? OMG, I laughed right out loud at this one.

  8. about 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    I may be new here, but I learned long ago that sometimes avoidance is the best heartburn prevention. If you don’t like somebody’s postings, just skip over them without reading.

  9. about 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    dianecliff, Timmy is not Patty’s son. He is Dale and Marlene’s grandson. I gather that his dad is a total loser, what happened to his mother?

    I don’t think Patty will ever have kids, she’s probably terrified of what he/she would inherit or learn from her parents!!