One explanation : procrastination ! The brain creates all kinds of needs to avoid unpleasantness, and will seek easy-to-get satisfaction, ignoring long-term consequences.
The hair here is not grey, more like maroon, assortie to her pants. And, indeed, in comics, as in cartoons, should they get older, everyone in the comics should grow too. Men tend to go grey then white, faster women who often color their hair. So ok to have Janis grow older but what about everyone else ?
Sorry to harp on it, but when will Janis change hair color? It Just doesn’t suit her. Makes her look old and lethargic, not a vibrant woman, as she usually is.
We had a story line that has just dead-ended … will they ever decide to move or not ? Will they buy or build a house ? Seems like we never had the answer and they went on to something else entirely. Don’t even have news from the kids !
Not sure the exclamation point is meant to be factorial, here… Just plain ponctuation for me.