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  1. almost 2 years ago on Gil Thorp

    How did Keri go from sitting on the counselor’s left side to suddenly sitting on her right side?

  2. almost 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    desertdwlr….I did as you suggested. That is the same cartoon that was in my local newspaper’s sports section for Gil today. It is better than this one. Thanks for the tip. I like the 167 hour workweek. You’ve got to take some time off to just kick back and relax.

  3. almost 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Looks like the infield is bigger than the outfield there in P3. If you get the ball in the air and more than a few feet beyond the infield you have a home run. Is the Milford world great or what? Tough on the pitchers though.

  4. almost 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    BooRadley56……I think that is part of his Lobsterboy halloween costume.

  5. almost 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    Is that Gil in P3? Looks like he didn’t get much sleep the night before. Maybe that’s why Chance is hitting a high note since his coach is calling the balls and strikes.

  6. almost 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    The way he presented that to the team could not have been any worse. You have to be kidding me. Coaches that dumb are a rare find, I hope.

  7. almost 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    With girls always around him when does Lini have any time for his guy friends?

  8. about 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    lureman… I agree. grshetc. needs to continue to have no brain. It is fun. Keep it up grshprnh, you are a gem. The strip needs you.

  9. about 14 years ago on Gil Thorp

    kdizzle……grshprnh frequently misspells words like he did today.

    To grshprnh….. Before trying to insult Gil’s intelligence why not stop displaying your lack of the same and start spelling words correctly. The word “your” is an adjective. I’ll leave it up to you to discover what you should have used.