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  1. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Yup, I will agree that America is the greatest country on earth – with all the guns and all the money and 99 percent of the media, it is sitting pretty – it can outsource all the jobs to virtual slaves in other countries while using the media to stir up hate against these “foreigners” (usually of color, living in deplorable conditions making pennies a day so that we can wear our Nikes and our Calvin Kleins) who have stolen “our” jobs; use the media also to distract us from the reality of the starving millions below the middle class in our own country (what?? there are people lower than the middle class???). Meanwhile, the elite of this country stir up the vitriol between the gun-carriers and the gun-control folks (and all the other polar opposites), so that we’re so busy screaming at each other, we’re blind to the fact that all the bad stuff coming down from the top (guess what, it’s really a one-party system we have) is hurting us all equally. And if we don’t wake up and smell the coffee, we’ll find that the limb on which we are all standing is being sawed off by the guys at the top who will be the last to fall, because they’re closest to the trunk… So let’s just keep attacking each other, we who all want to feed and clothe our children and keep a roof over their heads – we who have so much in common with each other in our basic needs and wishes, regardless of color or creed or ethnicity or orientation – than we do with the guys calling all the shots and getting away with murder. And they are – getting away with murder. And we are just squabbling like children while it’s going down.