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  1. about 2 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    “They even had a storyline where Elly went to a librarian convention (back in her library days) and both the kids and John were frightened that she would not return.”

    Well, wouldn’t you want to abandon a story where you were portrayed the way Lynn portrays her?

  2. about 2 hours ago on Crankshaft

    “HEY! Free WHALE SKULL! Good thing I have my bonesaw always ready!”

    Did he used to work in Saudi Arabia?

  3. about 3 hours ago on WuMo

    “I think he’s an old soul.”

    But is he a merry old soul?

  4. about 3 hours ago on Wizard of Id Classics

    “Celebrity is its own ID card.”

    Without knocking this comic strip, I’d say that celebrity is its own EGO card.

  5. about 3 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    “Just be careful which ones you pet —-”

    With all animals, I have a nonverbal conversation when we meet, and they let me know whether to touch them, fear them, or whatever.

  6. about 3 hours ago on Warped

    “We need these words today. And for the next four years.”

    Don’t stop then.

  7. about 5 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    “I hope, the week before the theft of Greenland….”

    Neither Trump nor the US under any other guise is gonna get Greenland. If he tries…

    1) Denmark is nowhere weak enough to crumble under Trump’s threatened economic pressures. In fact, its economy — both of its government and of its residents — is more stable than that of the US, even without the potential disasters for the US which would (will?) be created by Trump’s threatened cryptocurrencies and tariffs.

    2) And if he attempts an actual military takeover, he will meet resistance of more than one kind:

    2a) I expect that at least some officers will object, or even refuse to obey orders which they believe to be “illegal”… even unConstitutional. There are many ways that that could eventually play out, none quick, and I wouldn’t try to predict the course.

    2b) I’m sure that Denmark would then “evict” the American forces from Pituffik Space Base (formerly Thule Air Force Base), which primarily hosts “early warning” systems, not actual combat personnel or weapons. What little data I’ve seen indicates that it currently has less than 1,000 personnel, many of them Danish.

    2c) If Trump were to send actual military forces to attempt a takeover of the base, he would have to take them from elsewhere. The US may have the largest military in the world, but they are almost all already deployed elsewhere on the planet, to “protect” the US and its allies. How many would Trump need to “conquer” Greenland (not just Pituffik Base) and where would he take them from?

    2d) And would the other countries where the US has bases — from Europe to Japan — sit idly by when their own “protection” was not only reduced but might even be suspected of potentially turning against them?

    2e) Finally, some other countries might feel it necessary to send forces to help Denmark defend Greenland. In particular, I believe that Sweden and Finland would do so, and they have no US bases, but their own powerful forces.

  8. about 6 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    “I thought we don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

    Terrorists don’t “negotiate” with themselves.

  9. about 7 hours ago on Looks Good on Paper

    I’m trying to remember which (science fiction) author wrote a short story where a woman’s wish is that the genie fall deeply and unconditionally in love with her. So he grants her additional benefits without her needing to wish for them. She becomes the world’s greatest singer, painter, lawyer, and even benefits from the world’s greatest lover (that’s where the “unconditional” part comes in).

  10. about 7 hours ago on Strange Brew

    “The question SHOULD be ….. where do you – plug it in??!!

    The nearest electric fence?