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  1. over 14 years ago on ViewsLatinAmerica

    Yes, they are not fixed planetary bodies, but the Earth in no way revolves, or orbits, the Moon. Depending on which scientific journal you are reading at the time, there are different degrees reported to which the Moon “pulls” the Earth. Yes, the Moon does have an effect on the Earth; however, the Moon does not effect the Earth’s inner core, which was what Mr. Human originally posted. That is what I was replying to. I am very much appreciative of all the other factoids regarding our lovely Earth.

  2. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    This is a case of the cat killing the curiousity.

    Stuart G - I’ve lived through my 3 children at the age of 3 and all I have to say about your friend is what if his daughter had gotten hit by a car? Then, instead of being hassled with lawyers and fines, he would be “hassled” with burying his 3 y.o. My children knew every scary thing that could possibly happen to them if they opened the front door without mom or dad…and they never did open the door without our express permission. Never underestimate kids.

  3. over 14 years ago on ViewsEurope

    Funny, the entire world has been fighting these “Middle East Terrorists” forever. It will never stop unless 1) us evil infadels are all eradicated, or 2) the extreme Islamic people are eradicated. As long as both enitities are here on Earth, we will be forever fighting, one side to exterminate the other side. Sometimes I’m ashamed to be human.

    I, for one, think that if we sit back and try and reason with these deaf people, we’ll keep getting over 5,000 innocent people destroyed like what happened on Sept. 11, among other “terrorist” hits worldwide. However, I also don’t think we’re going to win this war due to the bleeding hearts out there who think that the Islamic faith is not a threat to those of us outside of that religion.

    Riko, I suggest you speak to a Marine in an infantry unit before you keep going with your collateral murder propoganda. The children in Iraq are taught by the age of 8 to kill any and all US soldiers they can. My friend’s husband was killed over there when a 10 year old stole a rocket launcher from a US convoy and used it against the soldiers. This child was travelling with the soldiers for 2 days, getting fresh clothes and food and water because his father abandoned him. When interviewed later, the child said his father trained him to make friends with soldiers and then find ways to destroy them, either destroying vehicles, or actually killing the soldiers. Mission accomplished. My widowed friend has not become a suicide bomber, though. She activitely supports other Marine families.

    Oh wait, those were soldiers, so they don’t count as murders, right? It’s their job to die. I forgot. Yes, please keep going with the “innocent” collateral damage stuff.

  4. over 14 years ago on ViewsLatinAmerica

    The Earth and moon don’t “revolve around each other”. The moon orbits the Earth. The Earth’s molten core is caused by the rotation of the planet along its axis, which creates intense pressure and heat at the center of the planet, and has nothing to do with the moon.

    Moon is not a proper noun (it’s the term used to characterize a mass orbiting a planetary body) and should not be capitalized, unless at the beginning of a sentence!

    This cartoon does a very good job of showing what those of us who have been through one of the recent major earthquakes actually feel…the Earth is breaking apart!

  5. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    doesn’t destiny control your actions?? cheesy burrito indeed.

  6. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    You know, for not knowing 5 + 3 and doing horribly in school, this kid sure is smart.