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Recent Comments

  1. about 6 years ago on Liberty Meadows

    Did anyone catch the reference to Star Trek II, “The Wrath of Khan”?

  2. over 7 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Congratulations. Hope it is a great day for you.

  3. almost 8 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    Beat me to it.

  4. about 8 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Same can be said for temper tantrum Obama.

  5. about 8 years ago on Brewster Rockit

    Oh yeah, like the dems were wrapped in truth. Hillary’s lips moved and she lied.

  6. about 8 years ago on Brewster Rockit

    Oh yeah, like the dems were wrapped in truth. Hillary’s libs moved and she lied.

  7. about 8 years ago on Phil Hands

    Amen! Te lefties are the ones wining like crazy, not all of us happy with th eelection results.

  8. about 8 years ago on Brewster Rockit

    Amen. At least in three weeks, things can start being fixed.

  9. about 8 years ago on Mike Lester

    Actually, CA is such a basket case, a fixed national voter registration system and barring ineligible voters might go a long ways to fixing the state.

  10. about 8 years ago on Mike Lester

    Sorry, I am not buying that asking for a Gov issued photo id depresses any body from voting that legally should vote. All it will suppress is the multi voters and dead voters. If the flaky happenings in the recount states prove anything, it proves the system is flawed.