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  1. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    lindz.coop GENIUS wrote:

    ” In addition most “packers” get unpacked really fast in the face of a criminal and often have their own gun used on them”

    If you’re such a genius, maybe you can explain why the police carry the things instead of handing them out to criminals instead?

    After all, according to you, it would then be easier to “unpack” them and use the criminal’s own guns on them, right?

    The air in here stinks of intellectual superiority.

    Yet, my five year old believes everything she sees on T.V. Just as you “superior” thinkers have been told to by Hollywood.

    It’s so obvious. Look at anything produced by Hollywood in the past 20 years. Do you find any gun owners portrayed in a responsible manner? Nope. According to Hollywood, only cops, and bad guys have guns.

    And here all these superior intellects parrot the exact same thing portrayed on T.V. Common firearms owners are outside the bounds of what is “sold” by Hollywood.

    So, if you mental giants here are so intellectually capable of independant thought…..

    ….why do you mimic the very thing Hollywood tells you to, just like my 5 year old?

  2. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    ” in this case freedom is just a lame excuse for these idiots to act like churlish jerks.”

    …unless they have shiny metal disks called “badges”, then they suddenly become worthy of protecting their lives and it would then be bad to stereotype them.

    Good thing they don’t, or we wouldn’t feel so righteous in hurling abusive epithets at them.

    Everyone here has obviously spoken to these “churlish jerks”. After all, it would be hard to feel so intellectually superior if you didn’t actually encounter this “churlish” behavior in person, right?

    We all know perpetuating stereotypes by parrotting others is for mental failures incapable of independent thought, right?

    I hear alot of squawking in here.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Maybe someone could help me out:

    Is GT trying to say since Leo is a vet, it would be O.K. for him to carry a gun to defend himself, but not for anyone else?

    Because this seems kind of prejudiced. I mean, at what point does a person who takes responsibility to protect themself become a stupid ignorant moron who’s just showing off?

    What exact human characteristic is it that makes a person acceptable to be stereotyped?

    After all, if a person who carried a firearm was Jewish, or African American, or gay, or even had one of those magical “badge” talismans, it would probably be wrong to make offensive generalizations about them, right? I’m kind of fuzzy about the thing that causes folks normally wary of making offensive stereotypical generalizations, suddenly feel good about tossing them out with casual abandon.