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  1. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    corzak, it was cdedward who suggested that secession by tolerated, not I. As I stated, Lincoln was correct is pursuing his efforts to preserve the Union.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    everyonerelax, I am in no way of the right persuasion in my politics, nor am I left. I am a centrist. My comments are not made up nor are they exaggerated . Likewise, they have no spin. I am as proud of being an American who had the honor to serve my country as I am proud of being from the South and being a member of a family that has been here since pre-Revolutionary days.

    The history of our nation is readily available. Read it and learn from it so that, as a nation, we can move forward and not repeat our mistakes.

    Cheap shots only prove that you are ignorant. No one has to stay ignorant; it is a choice.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    everyonerelax, I am in no way of the right persuasion in my politics, nor am I left. I am a centrist. My comments are not made up nor are they exaggerated . Likewise, they have no spin. I am as proud of being an American who had the honor to serve my country as I am proud of being from the South and being a member of a family that has been here since pre-Revolutionary days.

    The history of our nation is readily available. Read it and learn from it so that, as a nation, we can move forward and not repeat our mistakes.

    Cheap shots only prove that you are ignorant. No one has to stay ignorant; it is a choice.

  4. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    cdedward. With respect to honoring my heritage as a Southerner, I reflect with pride that my ancestors came here as colonists. Since then, we have made a life, raised families, enjoyed success and suffered failure as Americans. Over the centuries that we have been Americans who are also Southerners. We have tried as a family to play a productive role in our communities. We have not always succeeded, but we keep our heads high and move on with aspirations of doing better by ourselves and by our fellow man. We are Americans and no different than you or anyone in this great nation.

  5. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    blueprarie, the right of states to maintain their own affairs was a key element in the founding of these United States. When Lincoln was elected in 1860 with no electoral votes coming from the South, it was taken as the “handwriting on the wall.” Though immoral, slavery was key to the economy of the South. With the election of Lincoln, the South perceived expansion of the power of the federal government at their expense.

    Feeling they were backed into an untenable situation, the Southern states seceded from the Union.

    Now, lets recall that no one questioned the right of the New England states to secede when they threatened to do so prior to the Missouri compromise. Their reason for secession was they (rightfully) objected to slavery, a convention that they were in the forefront of implementing in earlier times. That is not to say they were hypocrites. Lets say they became more enlightened.

    From the South’s viewpoint, it appeared that being in the Union just wasn’t working for them, so they wanted to go their own way.

    In summary, it was Lincoln’s election and the perception of expanding federal involvement that led to the South seceding.

  6. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    cdedward, I am very sorry to hear about the German veteran who was embarrassed by the swastika. He was after all a sailor who risked his life in service to his country. For that, there is no shame. If he bought into the National Socialist ideology, then I can understand his shame and embarrassment. That is an entirely different matter. When all is said and done, what matters is his shame over service to his country or for believing the political agenda of Hitler? I can not fault him for the former.

  7. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    cdedward, I have to disagree with you somewhat, although I appreciate your perspective and notions. I believe that, as President, Lincoln should have vigorously pursued preservation of the Union by diplomatic means. Perhaps, although a good man, he was not the best statesman. Whatever, conjecture is irrelevant. I believe that preserving the Union was key and Lincoln was right in pursuing. Even more damage may well have happened had he taken a “hands off” approach. Sabre rattling just won’t work with Southerners and that ultimately led to the firing on Fort Sumter. That unnecessary and misguided event begat a much larger tragedy. Neither side won or prospered.

  8. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Rina, I so agree with you about PTSW. In the end only mutual dialogue and empathy for each other will put this issue to rest. It is way past time to do so.

  9. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Rina….. Ken Burns series is very worthwhile watching. He does not dwell on the politics of the conflict, but rather the human side of it, both North & South.

    If you hear the letters that are read with “Ashokan Fairwell” playing in the background, I defy you not to shed tears. I know I couldn’t.

    So much was lost and suffered by everyone during those years. The final summary of it all was that so many young men with so much promise died too young and too horribly to justify any political agenda by either the North or the South.

  10. almost 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Blueprarie .. if you care to share your email address (get a new one) I will search for the valid citations which you very validly asked for. You may reach me at JGW845@gmail.com. I am a southern gentleman and will not disrespect you.