I had that happen a few years ago. He asked me the question then I would ask her. He didn’t get the hunt until she wanted to test drive a car that he had to move a few others to get to. She was upset that she haggled with the manager so much that they shaved a lot off when she paid in cash. (Personally I think she scared them)
I work at a sports complex and we try to help the kids on days like this. But you should hear some of the parents rant on how the kids need to “suck it up and keep playing”
I had that happen a few years ago. He asked me the question then I would ask her. He didn’t get the hunt until she wanted to test drive a car that he had to move a few others to get to. She was upset that she haggled with the manager so much that they shaved a lot off when she paid in cash. (Personally I think she scared them)