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Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Zack Hill

    Look, it’s the same as the reason we limit how much alcohol you can put in your body and still operate a car: you become a deadly hazard to the people around you. You don’t HAVE to get the vaccine. You don’t HAVE to obey drunk driving laws. You DO have to accept the consequences of being a hazard to your fellow human beings. In contrast, having an abortion (for instance if your boyfriend RAPED YOU), does not in any way put the next man, woman, or child you come in contact with at risk of dying horribly and infecting their frail grandma in the process. STOP IT WITH THESE RIDICULOUS FALSE EQUIVALENCIES.

  2. almost 12 years ago on Lio

    I know what you mean, Lio. I know what you mean. Sigh.

  3. about 13 years ago on That is Priceless

    In poor taste.