
jeanie5448 Free

retired from real estate tax information service in 2010, stay home now and take care of my husband who is also retired. I relate to The Pickles, which is why I love reading that strip. Born and raised in Texas and still live there.

Recent Comments

  1. 13 days ago on Pickles

    my mother in law once dropped her glasses into the large chest freezer and a package of peaches fell on top and it was a year before we found them, looking for the peaches for a pie.

  2. 6 months ago on Pickles

    My first thought, we had one that had bad brakes and mom had to put a brick under the back tires to keep it from rolling out of the driveway.

  3. 6 months ago on Stone Soup

    We used to just go to the river and go swimming but with soap and shampoo.

  4. 10 months ago on Ben

    That is what my husband calls a “worm burner”…..

  5. 10 months ago on Ben

    AMEN to that…..

  6. about 1 year ago on Zack Hill

    back when I was in school we had good lunches……fried chicken, mashed potatoes, super wonderful hot rolls, milk and cake. My grandmother worked in the high school cafeteria, and they made real food, not that nasty crap they try to feed the kids today.

  7. about 1 year ago on Pickles

    So totally wrong, in fact I just came in from petting a stray cat that I feed and my cat gave me the once over and flipped his tail and walked off. but now I have to go wash up before i even try to pet him.

  8. about 1 year ago on Ben

    I usually take two naps a day, one in the morning and one just after lunch, then I am good for the rest of the day, of course my naps tend to be “power naps”, just 10 or 15 minutes but I need that short rest.

  9. over 1 year ago on Maria's Day

    now days you can have Door Dash bring lunch from the local fast food…….or your parents can bring it. That is what happened when the government started messing around in the cafeteria. We had things like fried chicken with mashed potatoes and wonderful rolls, now days it is forbidden……

  10. over 1 year ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Just ignore him, best way to stop a tantrum.