My Goddaughter used to leave carrots for the reindeer and a case of beer for Santa.. like Mel Blanc I hate raw carrots.. but it only takes a beer or two to wash the taste out of one’s mouth.
Only problem I’ve ever had with Ben Franklin was he wanted to make the “noble” turkey our National Symbol rather than the “dandified buzzard” the Bald Eagle. I don’t know, but I bet Eagles don’t taste near as good as turkeys do.
No, but they do have spurs on their “heels” and know how to use them.. don’t get in no fight with a heard of turkeys.. just chute dem. Been there.. done that.. got the big pot of oil ready for any others that think my yard is theirs. I’d be a utube thousandaire if I’d have had one of them go pro cams back then film’n me on my John Deere lawn tractor swat’n at 7 toms that were in attack mode with a badmitton racket.
I plant turnips as a “cover” crop to keep the soil in my garden working over the winter. It has some perks, one is the greens are great. Second is I’ve been known to sit in the patch with a salt shaker and pocket knife eat’n raw turnips like apples. In fact, around here they are known as winter apples.
I’d have never lived to my next birthday had I been that snarky to my Mom. She would have let me starve to death, or just killed me on the spot to save on more aggravation… and in the 60’s she would have got away with it.
Look over your shoulder… shorty.