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  1. 8 months ago on Nancy

    To JPuzzleWhiz,

    First, I didn’t realize she was going to have guest artists fill in. I also didn’t see where Luna’s work is credited.

    Second, given time constraints, many artist take shortcuts. If these shortcuts allowed Ms. Jaimes to come up with a more humorous product I’d be all for it. Unfortunately, I don’t feel that’s the case.

    To The (name obstructed by “Premium Member”)

    I have no doubt you’ll manage to “soldier on” without me. However, I’m entitled to my opinion, just as are you. I’m not being vulgar or hateful. I’m merely saying every artist needs on an audience, so they must gauge the climate of the community. Therefore, if artists care about the opinions of their readers, their staffs may refer comments such as mine so they may adjust their approach.

    Thank both of you for sharing. Have a great day.

  2. 8 months ago on Nancy

    I haven’t really enjoyed Nancy since Ms. Jaimes acquired the franchise. I’ve never found her sense of humor very appealing. I’m a long time fan of Nancy (since the mid 60’s) and have tried to give Ms. Jaimes a chance to win me over but if this new format is what she’s choosing going forward, I may finally decide to remove Nancy from my daily read.

  3. over 2 years ago on Jen Sorensen

    Did GoComics and Jen Sorensen part ways?

  4. over 4 years ago on Nancy

    Is it just me or does anyone else not find Nancy fun or funny anymore?

  5. about 5 years ago on Zen Pencils

    Thanks CoBass

  6. over 5 years ago on Zen Pencils

    When are we going to see new material?

  7. about 6 years ago on Zen Pencils

    Thank you!

  8. over 6 years ago on Shoe

    Growing tired of Sunday comics not appearing! https://www.cleveland.com/comics-kingdom/?feature_id=Shoe

  9. over 6 years ago on The Middletons

    Not again! https://www.cleveland.com/comics-kingdom/?feature_id=Middletons

  10. over 6 years ago on Shoe

    First The Middletons now Shoe. What’s going on at Go Comics? http://comicskingdom.com/shoe