Stonesoupsmith's Profile

stonesoupsmith Free
age 72 and enjoying it (mostly). I read, play with my smarter phone, and my I-Mac when it will tolerate me, with my beloved wife, who does tolerate me (thank god). I watch virtually no tv (no there there), I LOVE cartoons (no T- Bag or Uber con right wing junk) At my age, I wish to be entertained, not edified, to laugh and avoid being grumpy and grumpy people. I like exercise (but don't do enough), I LOVE golf ( I don't play anywhere near enough), I used to be very good at it, but now I Stink! I play bridge, euchre, cribbage and about 30 other games which don't require me to beat up my tired old body. Believe me, growing is not for the faint-hearted. I love my kids and my grands, and President Obama :-) I am a registered Democratic LIBERAL, AND PROUD OF IT!
Comics I Follow

Rose is Rose
By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
By Garry Trudeau
Stone Soup
By Jan Eliot
By Brian Crane
Heart of the City
By Steenz
Maria's Day
By John Zakour and Scott Roberts
9 to 5
By Harley Schwadron
Arlo and Janis
By Jimmy Johnson
Calvin and Hobbes
By Bill Watterson
Cathy Classics
By Cathy Guisewite
For Better or For Worse
By Lynn Johnston
By Bill Amend
FoxTrot Classics
By Bill Amend
The Norm Classics
By Michael Jantze
Nothing is Not Something
By Greg Wallace
Non Sequitur
By Wiley Miller
By Chip Dunham
By Nicole Hollander
If I read any more of Rolandâs tweets I âll wind up with 1 less brains cells than he has. Letâs see, yep that would be zero. I hear his boss has the same number.