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age 72 and enjoying it (mostly). I read, play with my smarter phone, and my I-Mac when it will tolerate me, with my beloved wife, who does tolerate me (thank god). I watch virtually no tv (no there there), I LOVE cartoons (no T- Bag or Uber con right wing junk) At my age, I wish to be entertained, not edified, to laugh and avoid being grumpy and grumpy people. I like exercise (but don't do enough), I LOVE golf ( I don't play anywhere near enough), I used to be very good at it, but now I Stink! I play bridge, euchre, cribbage and about 30 other games which don't require me to beat up my tired old body. Believe me, growing is not for the faint-hearted. I love my kids and my grands, and President Obama :-) I am a registered Democratic LIBERAL, AND PROUD OF IT!

Recent Comments

  1. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    If I read any more of Roland’s tweets I ‘ll wind up with 1 less brains cells than he has. Let’s see, yep that would be zero. I hear his boss has the same number.

  2. over 12 years ago on Viivi & Wagner

    Watch out, Wagner, this guy isn’t a head doctor, He’s s meatPacker. He’s gonna make a wallet out of you and fill it up with your bacon and chops.

  3. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Hey, Fauxers, go whine on the fat blimp’s strip, this one’s for calm, compassionate left-wingnuts.

  4. over 12 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Now if “dangerous Rose” and her hog were sitting under the tree, all the lap sitters would be up in the tree, hiding.Have a great Fourth. Don’t forget to VOTE!

  5. over 12 years ago on Viivi & Wagner

    Wanna fight about pigs? BRING IT ON!!

  6. over 12 years ago on Viivi & Wagner

    I think I’ m gonna like this strip. Since it will draw political junkies like Wagner’s trough draws flies, let’s start the party.Viv is a female humanoid normally associated with a sub-species of “humanoid” called man. While vastly superior to the down-trodden “man” things, Viv is tenuously associated with them thru a humanoid grouping called “Democrats”. Most female American humanoids are democrats because 1. They’re smart and 2. Republican humanoids ( how low can you go?) hate, fear and loathe anything female.Wagner, obviously a pig, is totally out of character. Pigs are ALWAYS Republicans. Wagner must be a DROP DEAD RED HOT LOVER for Viv to have forgiven this. If this strip was Romeo and Juliet, Romeo would already be bacon, chops ham and chitlins

  7. over 12 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    C’mon guys , leave your smelly jockstraps in your smelly lockers. Wait til Title IX really kicks in and men’s football coaches don’t make ten times as much as the President of the USA.

  8. almost 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    And on the supervisory and management level the people who have a genius for pushing paper but are idiots at working with people hang on and ooooon.

  9. almost 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Great screening job, Jan! LOL

  10. almost 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Wait - Cheney had a heart before? I thought he hid in his coffin and only came out after dark.But politics shouldn’t be in the funnies. Politics aren’t funny. Of course, there were the finally over 2012 Republican Primaries, those were pretty funny and then there were immortal mangled words of our 43rd presydunt. They were hysterical (and really embarassing too) :-)