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Recent Comments

  1. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I am really enjoying reading this strip again. The new writers/artists are doing a wonderful job honoring the spirit the Chester Gould and Dick Tracy. Thank You.

  2. about 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    This strip must be in honor of National Pig day. (March 1st)

  3. about 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Oh No, this is bad! Everyone knows that you never feed rats that much ham after midnight. It ain’t kosher.

  4. about 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    This strip is so bad that the Pig on Wheels now has boots on to wade through it!


  5. about 14 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Ever notice that when people refer to THE IRS they use capital letters that spell “THEIRS”?

  6. about 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Thanks Anthony2816

  7. about 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Maybe Thick can use this to call for help when Dr. Mordred springs his big surprise.


  8. over 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Is it me or does the person in the casino look like he needs some more fiber in his diet?

  9. over 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Hiding in a plane I think DickyT is quacking up.

  10. over 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Blank must be British because he Spotted Dick in a (tin) Can.