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furryoldguyjeans Free

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  1. 2 days ago on B.C.

    Nitrous Oxide, as others have mentioned, is used to increase the horse power of a gas powered vehicle, usually race cars.

    Nitrous Oxide is also known as Laughing Gas. Used as a surgical sedative. At one time was popular at parties to make people “lose their inhibitions” in a similar manner to getting drunk on alcohol.

  2. 8 days ago on Pickles

    Opal forgets the Zeroeth Rule of Men’s Fashion, at least for many.

    If not nagged by one’s spouse or mother comfort is the key for what to wear. Something old and well worn from use.

    Being a fashion plate to impress others can get expensive and uncomfortable.

  3. 9 days ago on Pickles

    I remember being given a quarter and a gallon gas can to get some gas for the power mower. Fill the can and bring back the change.

    Gas stations had give-aways for fill-ups as well. The local Arco station had Noah’s Ark and all the animals, collected separately.

  4. 26 days ago on Pickles

    It was a contest between going pink (bald) or grey starting back in my late teens. All I cared about was one or the other would win the race.

    I am now 66 and the war is rages on, though snowy white appears to be winning.

  5. 26 days ago on Peanuts Begins

    The original drawing of Lucy as a toddler with the big eyes makes me think she’s on some serious drugs. Thalidomide comes to mind.

    It will be several decades until parents start doping up their kids on ADHD meds.

    The early years of Peanuts was Sparky on a quest for sustainable characters. Eventually he found his cast.

    Charlie Brown will still be a chronic loser who can still be a jerk.

  6. about 1 month ago on Pickles

    Some people would say for a mother-in-law Earl’s comment is a compliment.

  7. about 2 months ago on Wizard of Id Classics

    Not all the way, January is still Sundays only for the most part.

  8. 3 months ago on Pickles

    @Zykoic, nice bit of delicious sarcasm you dished up.

  9. 4 months ago on Pickles

    Romance isn’t dead. It’s on life support, though.

  10. 5 months ago on Bloom County

    November 18,1947 on the DuMont Network, the early TV sitcom “Mary Kay and Johnny”.

    Not even kinescopes exist, so it exists only in the memory of people who saw the shows when first broadcast.