
deepfrieddrippingrag Free

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  1. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    There must be a word for this. ‘Optimism?’ ‘Vain boldness?’ ‘The lighter side?’

  2. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin needs to understand that this is a dog eat dog world, or in this case, a tiger eat tiger world.

  3. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin is the kind of guy, who after being told the ancient philosophy by his dad, “Before you insult a man, walk a mile in his shoes.”

    He’d say. “Why, so you’d be a mile away and have their shoes? Smart, Dad!”

  4. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    That is something that discourages everyone.

  5. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Sometimes seeing is believing, and others it is believing is seeing.

  6. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Sometimes I run. I run down this long canyon, not stopping. I run so fast, not caring if how far i am from home. I come to a cliff, and as the wind presses against my face I start climbing down. I come to the lake, and jump in. Ah, the beauty of free run.

  7. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    There are many things that most of the people of this world will never understand, and in that there is something to decipher.

  8. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Do you know what’s worth going to the ends of the earth to accomplish?

    Everything changes, nothing stays the same.

  9. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Not a few days ago, I had gone to the library. My parent had dropped me off, and wasn’t showing up, so I was sifting through the books. I took Yukon Ho, the only one they had, in the flap someone had stuck a fake million dollar bill. I swear this is true. It had Rutherford Hayes on it, and in small writing on the back, ‘The million dollar question, will you go to heaven when you die?’ I don’t want to share the rest because it may be depressing to some. Anyway, it really enlightened my view of these strips. There are no limits to what a person can believe and do, but belief of natural limits may find you. Best to avoid it.

  10. over 14 years ago on Ziggy

    He don’t seem the kind of person to buy merchandise off Ebay.