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- almost 13 years ago on Jeff Danziger
almost 13 years ago
on Pat Oliphant
The US is just as guilty as Israel in threatening to attack Iran.Sanctions will only bring the Iranian moderates over to Ahmadinejad side as they feel threaten by the US.
The character who should be portrayed on the rope would be Ron Paul, not Uncle Sam. He is the only man from either party arguing for diplomacy instead of saber-rattling and sanctions. He fears, rightly so, that an attack on Iran it will lead us into another meat-grinder like Iraq. Or at the very least lead to a dramatic rise in gasoline prices that will further unstablized our weak economy.
Anyone who advocates war with Iran should be willing to put their child or spouse in front of the line to go over there and fight.
almost 13 years ago
on Doonesbury
Ron Paul “Roads?”
You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, Trudeau.
How about Ron Paul being the ONLY candidate who wants to end our policeman foreign policy? Who advocates diplomacy with Iran instead of saber rattling? Who wants to re-establish relationship with Cuba and end the stupid Cold War embargo? Who wants to reign in the Federal reserve that has been enabled the 1% to become rich at the 99% expense?
about 13 years ago
on Pat Oliphant
Newt “Get rich” is a political survivor with no shame.
Yet the mainstream media does little to rake his record over the coals in public. It disingenuously acts surprised at Ron Paul’s ads critical of Newt like it the first time the Media has even hear of these stunts Newt has pulled.
about 13 years ago
on Jeff Danziger
dtrouma, I agree.
Their human rights record goes beyond their own people. Foriegn workers are terribly abused by these super rich cats. I also believe that our relationship with the corrupt royalty spurs resentment among the common folk, driving them into the arms o the fundamentalist radicals who point at the Saudi Leaders hypocrisy and lack of Islamic fidelity.
It was interesting that after all the military aid we sold or gave them, they did little to no assistance in the first Persian Gulf war. We have become their armed body guards.
about 13 years ago
on Tony Auth
We should disband the SEC. They failed stopping Maddoff, failed with protecting us from the Solyndra bailout, and now Corzine.
Or we can make yet another NEW Federal agency with more laws and powers to fail even more magnificently doing nothing!
about 13 years ago
on Tony Auth
The average American income is $39,000.Obama and others in DC make many times more money, benefits, & perks that the average workingstiff. Bashing big boys like Mobil does not lessen the “more equal than others” privileges that Obama and his ilk enjoy at our expense. He and all the other presidents and DC critters are so comfortable in the style they have been accustomed to at our tax dollar expense, they are inured to the average American’s plight. When things get tough, the President gets to goes on vacation!
about 13 years ago
on Tony Auth
“Obama attacks inequality”
Not bad for a man who makes $400,000 a year as president, with free room, board, transportation, medical care, and personal security. Who’ll also enjoy a gold plated pension and benefits, along with all the 5 plus figures speaking engagements he can schedule.
about 13 years ago
on Tom Toles
So, The Nobel Peace Prize winner is protecting our Pacific interests by saber rattling at China by—-posting 2500 Marines in Australia?
US Marines are pretty tough hombres, but even this mission is a bit of a tall order for them. Oh well, the US dollars they will spend over there, along with all the contractor services, will enrich the Aussies at our expense.Well done, Mr. President!
about 13 years ago
on Tony Auth
Our government is making monsters out of our troops If a civilian did this to his spouse or children, why, we would throw them in jail in a heartbeat. But if the government approves of it, well, somehow it’s morally ok!
It is hypocrtitcal to cheer for this nonsense as necesary when YOU are not the one doing it to another human being! I bet most of those who are for this would puke thier guts out and faint doing to this another human being—Those who do not will no doubt would enjoy it!
Think for a moment what happens to the people the government trains to perform “Enhanced Interrogations”.It’s one thing for a soldier to shoot an enemy combatant in battle. But to subject a helpless prisoner to stress and paint to break his spirit, well, that’s a power trip that no doubt for some can get addicted to, and continue on in their private lives as cold and calloused individuals.
On the flip side others would suffer massive PTSD with nightmares and guilt. Just as rape is about power and control, what do you think it does to the mind of a person who performs these things? I doubt seriously they can compartmentalize it and just go on with thier lives. How do people trained and sanctioned to do this by our government can just "turn it off? Just look at how many emotionally scarred vets we have from war.
Would you feel comfortable having a former waterboarding interrogator for a next door neighbor? Enjoy hearing him brag about wht he did? Anyone who thinks people can be permitted do this kind of torure crap and not be mentally affected by it is deluded.Our government is manufacturing monsters in the name of freedom and democracy!
“Support our Troops”—-Yeah right. They are suffering from 13% unemployment, Suicides, PTSD, wounds, and broken marriages.
But hey, no worry. Plenty of Chicken-hawks like Hannity and others who scream for more war from the safety of their offices. And we’ll send them back to the sandbox for more multiple tours for political objectives that change as frequently as the weather.