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Gunther should man up. I would be thrilled if Rosa kissed me.
Batson D.Belfry is the only pol who can get wasted and still keep his seat. Only in the Shoe world.
Buffett hits it on the head. The top 0.1% like Scrooge McDuck should not be coddeled. The rich from $250G and up must be taxed to the hilt.
Why Lamont feel so “old”? Does he regret not contacting Mr.Rodenberry? Or hanging with older Trekkies? Or even Lt Uhrura? Anyway,he’s just regretting nothing.
It hits it on the head!! Loved the cartoon.
Go Women Go! Make change happen. Oh I wished they place a guy on the bumper of that Mercedes.
Only in the Treetops world could a Senator could get wasted and not resign his seat even if Skyler had a video camera.
Gunther should man up. I would be thrilled if Rosa kissed me.