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  1. almost 14 years ago on Chris Britt

    Why has the word profiling become so wrong?

    Does Isreal do this type of search?

    Lets take the last 100 plane bomb plots. Tally up the people involved. I honestly dont know the break down.

    This is like stopping an 80 yr old african american woman to search when a 17 yr old Irish kid robbed a store.

    Call it wrong, call it what you want, its still stupid to NOT be able to profile to some degree.

    And misanthrpoic I agree whole heartedly about Muslims not being the only ones to blow things up. I believe some bombs went off in Ireland lately. But still lets look at stats.

  2. almost 14 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Please don’t demote her before 2012.

    I can’t decide if she is really that clueless or just that willing to be Obama’s scapegoat. Either way, works for me.

  3. almost 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    You don’t have to Rockn’. Hasn’t Obama already called them the enemy?

  4. almost 14 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    So left wing are less orthodox and more into self determination…..

    I am still laughing at that line.

  5. almost 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    You do realize only 34 (I think) of the senate seats were up for grabs, not the whole 100? Then factor in 11 seats that were held by Repubs and could not be listed as a gained seat and you can begin to see that even a 6-7 seat gain is a very strong move.

  6. almost 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    You know the posts that I have read on this page are EXACTLY why the Dems are going to lose and you are to blind to see it.

    You can not accept that some one can disagree with you and be intelligent. You can not accept a policy you might not like, might work. You can not accept that a majority of people might have a valid belief that is different than yours. All the things you claim of Republicans, I find in you.

    I am NOT saying that you intend to come across that way, or that you are as elitist and condescending as the majority of your posts make you seem. However this attitude had been shown in the political arena for far to long now and honestly people are sick of it.

    The Dem.’s are going to lose the house. The will probably keep the senate with a very slim margin. They will lose gubernatorial positions across America. If Dem.’s are smart they will open their ears and listen and find out WHY they lost so many seats. But I can almost assure you they wont, just like I can assure you some here are already formulating a response to this that is akin to, “Just because the majority voted for it doesn’t mean it is smart.”, before they have even finished reading this.

  7. almost 14 years ago on Tony Auth

    Brian since when in America does one have to prove they are NOT guilty?

    So Mkitt, please find the area where I said I didn’t agree finance reform. I was quoting on the double standard and response. And while I do agree with finance reform please come off your high horse and admit that the bill had MANY areas that favored Dems.

    Also if you are so much by the letter of the law, The UN agreements allowed us to invade the moment Saddam broke them. No fly zone, kicking out inspectors etc. (Which he broke how many times?)

    But as usual any laws only need to apply to those you don’t agree with, not your brainwashed buddies.

  8. almost 14 years ago on Tony Auth

    Hey right wingers please use a tactic from the left. When they asked tigger what was the proof, he should have just responded like Obama advisor David Axelrod did.

    When asked to prove the allegations that the Chamber of Commerce was taking foriegn money to finace the election of Republicans, his answer was, and I quote, ““Well, do you have any evidence that it’s not, Bob?”

    Good enough for Obama, good enough for me.

  9. almost 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    Jade, I do not believe GOd created inter-sexed conditions. As far as hermaphrodites are concerned I do think things like it are mentioned in the Bible. Not that specific example. But to us, it is just the genetic code breaking down once in awhile. Been happening since the fall and will continue to happen till the end. In the example you posted above in Matthew 19:24, a few verses before 19:12 Jesus is talking about some people being BORN Eunichs, some being made (castrated) into them and some choosing to be celibate for faith.

    Disease and the corruption of our genetic code is not a punishment from God (as some idiots claim). It is something that happens in nature. Now again I hate debating a statistical grain of sand, (the numbers of hermaphrodites) vs the greater majority. But of course it IS important to the person who is that grain of sand. (Again statistically speaking) The Bible could not list every possability in life. If I was a hermaphrodite, I would pray first and then seek advice from a spiritual councilor that they like and have learned enough about to trust.

    Look, I will be honest and open myself up to more ridicule, I believe the Bible and in God. But do I agree with everything? Of course not, I would be a little dissapointed if God thought exactly like FrankinNJ. (A little scared too).. When that happens, I pray and study.

    For the record ANYONE in the LGBT community has as much of God’s love as I have. Christians do not have the market on God’s love. Anyone, anywhere should be allowed into God’s true churches, however, just as when I might not agree with something, they do not have the right to demand the churches views be changed, if it can not be backed up by scripture.

    (Forgive my spelling, it is a weakness) and sorry for being long winded and souonding preachy.

  10. almost 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    Hey Jade thanks for responding.

    I understand what you think about wealth but I still disagree with how you take that passage. Jesus was talking to a rich man but also a spiritually prideful man. He asked how to get to heaven and said he did all those things Jesus had listed. Jesus then hit him where the hardness in his heart was, his treasures. He said if you would be complete then give away everything and follow me. And the man walked away. Jesus didnt say to be saved he had to, didn’t say he was wrong for having them. I believe he was pointing out the mans weak spot. And that since the rich had little NEED to rely on God in their minds, it was hard for them to get to heaven.

    At least 2 of the apostles had their own business, maybe four. James and John def. The were in their fishing boats with their servents. I believe Peter and Andrew were in the same boat, (If you pardon the pun) but can’t back that up right now. Matthew had enough money to purchase the right to collect taxes for Rome (expensive). Paul had enough for the best tutors and teachers and enough to purchase citizenship from Rome. . Joseph of Arimethea was spoken of well. Luke was a physician.

    Wealth is just a gift or a tool, like a hammer. You can build a house or you can kill some one with it. It is how the gift is used. If you use your wealth to cheat or rob the poor (The example of turning over tables in the temple) or subvert justice, it is wrong and condemned. On its own, it is nothing, and there is nothing condemning wealth out right or living a better life style if tithing and giving of alms was done. (That I am aware of)

    Remember the Bible does not claim, “Money is the root of all evil” It says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.