AI is also trained on copyrighted works, without the copyright holder’s permission, and therefore anything produced by AI is a grey area in copyright law that some authors and artists are testing in court right now!
Couple years ago, I had a class period with Kylie, Kylee, Kiley, Kailey, and Bailey just for good measure. My fifth grade class was Kristin, Kristen, Christina, Chris, three Ronalds, two Jessicas, and two of something else I don’t remember because I wasn’t friends with either of them.
Saying stay calm to someone who is panicking is generally ineffective. Saying stay calm to a group that’s just witnessed something like this establishes that someone’s in charge and knows what they are doing, and therefore, can help witnesses stay calm enough to follow directions or remember their own training if they have it. Luann did good.
It’s one of a gazillion objects in the Kuiper belt, like Ceres. There is no good argument for Pluto being a planet that doesn’t apply equally if not more to Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, and likely many other objects that haven’t been discovered yet in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.
It’s only a first amendment violation if the government tells you you can’t say something. Common sense, decency, and private platforms like this are not covered by the first amendment.
Tiffany is hinting to Aaron Hill what size clothes she wears so that he can get the right size present to gift her for her birthday. Meanwhile Delta is mocking Tiffany for not having more than two friends.
It’s been good enough since at least the 1300s, why is it all of a sudden a problem now?