Harpgirl circle

HarpGirl Free

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  1. about 15 hours ago on Adam@Home

    Put it with the darkest neutral and they can have Black to the Fuchsia.

  2. 1 day ago on Thatababy

    Depending on how it starts, it can be either “In like a lion, out like a lamb” or “in like a lamb, out like a lion.” Except for that one year when it was “In like a lion, out like a dinosaur

  3. 14 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Amanda, I’m so sorry you’re suffering! Hang in there; you’re not alone. I deal with depression too, and so do many of my friends. From reading your comic, I know you’re a woman of faith. At jw[dot]org, there are some wonderful articles you’ll appreciate about how, in addition to medical treatment, the Bible helps us in practical ways when we face depression and other emotional burdens. Just type “coping with depression” in the search box. I hope you are feeling better very soon!

  4. 16 days ago on Amanda the Great

    That sense of humor is a load-bearing coping mechanism; it’s not going anywhere.

  5. 2 months ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Scroll printer? You mean, dot matrix?

  6. 4 months ago on Amanda the Great

    Apparently so! :D Those are some deep core memories. Fun fact: infinity symbol is called a lemniscate, which I just learned comes from the Latin lēmniscātus, meaning “decorated with ribbons”, from the Greek Î»Î·ÎŒÎœÎŻÏƒÎșÎżÏ‚ (lēmnĂ­skos), meaning “ribbon.”

  7. 4 months ago on Amanda the Great

    Happy cartooniversary! 8 is the best number, because it’s infinity turned on its side.

  8. 4 months ago on Amanda the Great

    Not a fan of beige, but brown? Yeah baby! It’s like chocolate, and trees, and all sort of cozy things.

  9. 5 months ago on Pickles


  10. 5 months ago on Amanda the Great

    The bumpers are fine. They’re not just a comic, they’re a personal note from you! We just hope you’re feeling better soon!