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ruffinready Free

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  1. over 11 years ago on Trivquiz

    That was The Big Valley he was on.

  2. over 11 years ago on Trivquiz

    Good night and my God bless.

  3. almost 12 years ago on Trivquiz

    Green Acres was inspired by the book and film The Egg and I. That’s why the Ziffels resemble the Kettles.

  4. almost 12 years ago on Trivquiz

    And don’t forget he danced with Shirley Temple.

  5. almost 12 years ago on Trivquiz

    He played the guard in the Wizard of Oz who says to Dorothy, “You killed her!”

  6. almost 12 years ago on Trivquiz

    He said he had to come up with a stage name at a moment’s notice when he saw the movie poster and that if it had been a week later his name might be Michael 101 Dalmations.

  7. about 12 years ago on Liberty Meadows

    He’ll probably feel flushed after that trip.

  8. about 12 years ago on Richard's Poor Almanac

    That’s me. I don’t like football, but can’t find anything better to watch. SuperBowl Sunday is DVD night.

  9. about 12 years ago on Trivquiz

    Kelley was under contract to Paramount for years and was released from contract in the early 60s. While doing “Star Trek” Desilu was bought by Paramount, so Kelley was working for them again until the show was canceled. Years later they signed him for the first “Star Trek” movie and then kept rehiring him again and again until the early 90s.

  10. about 12 years ago on Free Range

    Nice to see two old friends just hanging.