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Once when the COVID forced the bank to close their lobby, I walked by the Drive up Window, pantomimed rolling down the “car” window and did my business, then Mimed rolling the “car” window back up mimed putting the gear into drive and walked on.
His car was manufactured by the same company that did Wonder Woman’s plane.
I think Mr. McPherson has always wanted to be an inventor.
They should do an album of Lullabies.
Have Billy Dare, Boy Adventurer with Quentin ever appeared in “Super Fun Pak Comix”?
Ace Powel and Mikey?
Good pun.
Rip and Tank shouldn’t punch out a women, they need Cobra or Breezy, perhaps even Fireball, who could punch Dizzy in the knee.
The Platinum Haired villainess is free, what is next??!!
Once when the COVID forced the bank to close their lobby, I walked by the Drive up Window, pantomimed rolling down the “car” window and did my business, then Mimed rolling the “car” window back up mimed putting the gear into drive and walked on.