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  1. about 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    At 2, Lizzie isn’t an infant. It’s not like she’s going to roll on her back and not be able to get back up. At 7, Michael isn’t helpless. Long as mom has spoken o him about what his responsibilities are in the bath there’s no reason why mom has to be in the room every last second. I myself had bath-time duties with my 6-year younger brother. 8 & 2 to 9 & 3, at which point brother dearest took a crapper in the bath water and I refused to co-habit the tub ever again =P

    For those clamoring over the “inappropriateness” of mixed sex children bathing with each other - get over yourselves and your hangups over anything sex or gender related already. Did you know there are perfectly modern cultures in which the entire family bathes together? Where there are public bath houses where you bathe with same- OR mixed- sex strangers? And unlike in America, with our uptight Puritan roots, it’s perfectly acceptable AND non-sexual.