Ah! I got the two series mixed up. Thanks for clearing up the muddle in my head.
Many moons ago, I found a copy of that hallucinogenic plant guide at a yard sale. I think I paid 25 cents for it? I was shocked to see a paperback copy selling for $220 online.
Back in the early 2010’s, when the Keep Calm and Carry On posters were revived, I found a delightful Scottish version: HAUD YER WEESHT AN’ GET OAN WAE IT, which translates to SHUT UP AND GET ON WITH IT. Much better than the original, so I bought one and framed it.
That video brings back a lot of good memories. When my hubby’s niece was here for her sabbatical, I read to her small kids (3 and 5 yrs old at the time), and this was a fun book for them. Coverly’s artwork really helped them understand what the word meant, even if they couldn’t quite pronounce them. “Smithereens” was a particular favorite of theirs.
As long as he’s still above ground and breathing, it’s GOOD news. Hopefully, after he’s fully recovered from the pneumonia, he won’t need the supplemental oxygen. xoxo
Does anyone here remember the children’s series of Golden Books? The guides covered a wide range of science subjects, one of the weirdest being the one on hallucinogenic plants. I wished they had one for the etymology of cuss words. I knew some young reluctant readers who would’ve got on a wait list to read that one!
There’s a fun picture book called The Very Inappropriate Word. It’s illustrated by Dave Coverly, the artist who does the Speed Bump comic. The grawlix on the cover is spectacularly gnarly.
Ah! I got the two series mixed up. Thanks for clearing up the muddle in my head.
Many moons ago, I found a copy of that hallucinogenic plant guide at a yard sale. I think I paid 25 cents for it? I was shocked to see a paperback copy selling for $220 online.