Egil skallagrimsson

Kveldulf Free

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  1. 1 minute ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Several decades back, before the NRA terrified politicos into all but abandoning gun laws, the three areas of America with the strictest laws were New York City, Chicago, and Washington DC.

    The state with the least anti-gun laws was Vermont. I know where I would feel safest.

  2. 9 minutes ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If you are a law-abiding licensed gun owner, your home is subject to a police search without a warrant at any time.

    (This is true but does not actually happen. Canadian police are a lot smarter than Canadian politicians.)

  3. 14 minutes ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If you wish to carry illegally, you must be in your teens or twenties, a member of both a minority race and a street gang, and have no idea how to aim.

    If you are caught, you will be back on the street in a few hours.

  4. 18 minutes ago on Pearls Before Swine

    In Canada, if you wish to carry a concealed weapon legally, you must apply to a judge and demonstrate not just one but several credible threats to your life.

    The last I heard, albeit many years ago, the number of concealed carry permits in all of Canada was in the low teens.

    Every one of them was for a judge.

  5. 28 minutes ago on Non Sequitur

    No other target has such a high failure rate.

  6. 30 minutes ago on Non Sequitur

    Judging by the percentage of Martian expeditions that have failed, this might be the favoured approach.

  7. 32 minutes ago on Non Sequitur

    Let’s see now:

    1) Cap’n Eddie imagines his lobster boat, uh, lobstah boat, can travel anywhere in the world, land, sea and air, and interact with sea monsters, magical storms and anything else.

    Danae thinks she rides a talking horse and knows time travelers, space aliens and magical beings.


    2) When Cap’n Eddie tells his stories to others, he is rewarded with Bourbon.

    When Danae tells he stories to her teacher, she is sent to the Principle’s office.


    3) When, as happens from time to time, Cap’n Eddie’s reality is shown to correspond with everyone else’s reality, those few who witness the event are dumbfounded.

    When, as happens from time to time, Danae’s reality is shown to correspond with everyone else’s reality, those few who witness the event are dumbfounded.


  8. about 11 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    When, after throwing Czechoslovakia to the wolves, Chamberlain was shocked to find Hitler wanted Poland next, he had the decency to step down and let Churchill take command.

    When Canada’s Neville Chamberlain, Justin Trudeau, discovered Trump was a lying, ignorant bully who utterly despised him, he tried to charm Trump into playing nice. As it became clear to everyone in Ottawa (except Trudeau) that he was far too weak to stand up to Trump and everyone in the Liberal party was begging him to step down, he kept running after the Donald whining for favours and making Trump despise him even more. Finally, months too late when all hope was gone and the opposition parties were poised to throw him out of office, he resigned.

    He also called a leadership contest rather than appoint an interim leader, prorogued parliament to forestall an election, and left Canada with no federal government at all at a time of existential crisis.

    It ain’t easy, but Justin Trudeau managed to out-Neville Chamberlain even Neville Chamberlain.

    And I thought the younger Bush was a weak, incompetent fool.

  9. about 11 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    By any chance did that student end up in politics?

  10. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Oops, someone did.