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  1. over 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    It really annoys me that loony toon posters continue to say that Obama’s birth certificate hasn’t been released. It was released and confirmed by credible authenticators. The problem is that every birth certificate released is greeted by the crazies as a fake. Hawaii has received so many requests for his certificate that the state Governor asked the state bureau to stop fielding them b/c they’ve had so many requests that it costs them too much money to respond. The current REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR, Linda Lingle, has also seen the birth certificate and and has confirmed its legitimacy. Your kinda crazy will never accept the facts. He’s an American citizen. Get over it.

  2. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Just b/c someone agrees with Bush’s Africa policy, as I did, doesn’t mean you also have to agree w/95% of his other policies. I also happened to agree with his Bush’s immigration position. Sadly, he was a lot closer to the Dems on that issue and was opposed by nearly all of his GOP caucus.