Paul bellantoni websized smiling headshot

Pepelepaul Premium

Full time voice over actor and audiobook narrator. NYC forged, L.A. based as of 2014.

Recent Comments

  1. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Assuming you meant 24 straight hours of rain? ā€™cause ā€œ24 hours of straight rainā€ in SF sounds ripe for the punning! (Or 24 hours of straight reign perhaps :) )

  2. about 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    My father-in-law has Pancreatic cancer. When he was diagnosed the 5 year survival rate was 3%. That was SEVEN years ago. We keep him supplied with a steady supply of cannabis tinctures, gummies, powders, etc that my wife has researched extensively, here in good old CA. Some of his Doctors (heā€™s in AL) are thrilled with what it has done, others claim it canā€™t POSSIBLY be the reason heā€™s still alive. My F.I.L.ā€˜s stock answer "Iā€™m a scientist. What is the one thing I am doing differently than all the other patients you have had here in Alabama die from this disease? What does science tell us from this?"

  3. over 4 years ago on Non Sequitur

    wish there was a way to print this out!