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  1. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Yeah, it is! He was hitting on her when she was suppose to be working. You don’t buy her a car, take her out to dinner everynight and buying her things unless he wanted more from her. She moved out and moved in with him because he has more money than me. Jim is an old man who couldn’t keep his hands off my fiance. She called him an old geezer, but has money!

  2. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Jim ain’t nothin but a sorry old man who can’t keep his hands off my girlfriend! He put her in his comics. She is the blonde. She worked for him, but he was working on her, trying to take her away from me. It worked too!!! To Jim Scankerilli… ur a sorry SOB!!!!

  3. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    You’re right! She was also seeing someone else, that’s why I kicked her out. She was cheating on me and Jim. She Told me yesterday, she was getting Married to some guy she met online in Arizona. I told Jim. He didn’t know! lol… Jim gave her an engagement ring months ago, while living with me! She helped Jim do his comics and he put her in them. He fell in Love with her! She told me he was just an Old Geezer who had an infactuation with her and didn’t like it when he touched her. She’s a user and is out to take all his money, like she did mine. I had a long talk with Jim and told him what she is! Jims is a good man. He just don’t know what he is getting into.

  4. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    My girlfriend works for Jim. She’s the blond in his comics. He’s been having an affair with my girlfriend who lived with me untill I found out. He gave her an engagement ring months ago. While she was suppose to be working,instead, they were out shopping and dinning out.Plus he bought her a new car. He was so working on taking her away from me. He had no right hitting on my woman! I hope she takes everything from him lke she did me! Now,when u read his comics and see the blond, remember that was my girfriend of 7 yrs!!! Thanks Jim for nothing!!!