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  1. over 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    @ Billwa

    You got your facts wrong man, every religion has some fanatics, and they are the ones who corrupted the religion. every religion (almost) was originally truthful and had good rules, laws, and codes of conduct, but some people came and corrupted it and made it look like a bad religion.

    about your comment

    “It was he wo said If they convert, welcome them, if they don’t, Kill Them.”

    That is not true, go read a history book, thy went to them and asked them to convert by telling them benefits of converting and the principles of their religion.

    Then if the people did not convert, they told them to give a tax for living under the protection of the Muslim nation.

    If they also refused the tax, then they fought and defeated them.

    that’s my response to that comment.

    for this:

    “Mohammed was a very violent man who ruthlessly waged war against those he called infidels, and an infidel is anyone, including muslims, who do not follow a strict interpretation of the Quran.”

    As I said, your sources are incorrect. Go read a proper, non-biased history book and you will find that Muhammad (S) was not a violent man, but a peaceful person. and he did not instruct the Muslims to kill anyone, read my above explanation to find out who they killed and who they didn’t.