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NyahNyahNyah Free

A sweet, (not so) little, old lady who: is fat, freckled, wrinkled and gray headed; understands and lives by the Universal Truth - Chocolate is a gift from God; lives in the Beautiful South Carolina Low Country with her beloved Hubby, cats, (memories of past dogs, cats and birds), and goldfish; is originally from A-LAB-uh-ma; has an odd sense of humor; and is occasionally feral. Send names to me (Subject: Prayer Roll) that you would like to have placed on my church's Prayer Roll to: tshoelace@gmail.com

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    “… one of the giant (~2 inch long) water bugs we have around here flew into her face.”

    If that’s what I think it is, we call that a Palmetto Bug™ here in the Beautiful South Carolina Low Country. About dusk, they begin to “sing the mating song of their people.”

    I would much prefer the song of the cicada!

  2. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Connection? I suppose the connection is:

    In Georgia Dunn’s BCN universe, the cats call their humans The Woman, The Man, The Boy, and The Girl, etc. A fellow Orbster, Skipper1996, is also a writer and follows Georgia’s writing style by calling his family by the same titles.

  3. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    “I have indeed always been that klutzy.”

    ya, same here. And I’ve always had memory issues, too. I just say, “Business as usual. Carry on.”

  4. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I don’t remember where I read it, but a family took their new cat to the vet and they were having trouble saying exactly what the problem was.

    The vet stroked the cat, head to tail, and naturally the cat raised his butt up. The family got all excited and said, “That’s what he’s doing! That right there! Does he have some neurological problem because he does that?”

    I think that was the family’s first ever cat, so they didn’t know about “Elevator Butt In Felines”.

  5. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    This morning, June 26, most of our kittens were attentively learning “the facts of life” from a pair of squirrels up on a neighbor’s oak tree. When I saw the kittens, all lined up with whiskers at attention, I had to look, too.

    Oh. My. Cat! First time I’ve ever seen squirrels making more squirrels. Oh! and there was a gray squirrel audience, too! I would have thought that they’d be busy raising the next generation by now, with it being the end of June!

    (shakes head and finishes chores of feeding the feral cat hoard, cleaning the litter boxes, sweeping up the cheap cat food knocked out of the plate by the local raccoons, etc.)

  6. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    ya, I’m working on getting caught up, too.

    I got behind when I downloaded a game through Fetch so as to earn additional points in my Fetch account. When you get enough points, you can trade them for gift cards/cash cards.

    Fetch will only give you points for a certain number of minutes playing the game. If you want to keep on playing the game, that’s on you. The game was Family Island. It’s very addictive. When I realized I’d missed so many days of BCN, I promptly deleted it.

  7. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    ya I get sleepy, too. Or is it that my blinks keep getting longer?

  8. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    “Do you see all the confusion?”

    That’s why the comment thread started with “OT” which stands for “Off Topic”.

  9. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    When we come home from wherever we’ve gone, I’ll sing the cat’s names that I see between me and the door of the house.

  10. 8 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    “I never understand the carpet scratching posts”

    Ya, the pretty carpet is to please the cat servants. The cats like the carpet to be turned backwards so that the tough backing is to the outside.