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  1. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    One thing you should remember, GCC isn’t a catastrophe, it’s just the Earth going back to its normal state before the Ice Age. The Ice Age was the Earth’s catastrophe which killed off most of the population roaming on its surface.

    You may ask, “what about Humanity?”… humans will do as they always have, adapt and overcome.

    Though as I said in a previous post, I’m not too worried about GCC it’s the polar shift that concerns me. How the weakening of our magnetic field is allowing more solar radiation through… hey, wait, maybe that has some affect on the ice caps.

    As a famous person once wrote: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    Have a good weekend… this was a fun diversion.

  2. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    You’re not going to be able to stop all the farmers, diary farmers and ranchers from using their harvesters, cattle (produces copious amounts of methane) and trucks in order to not only feed this country but also the world.

    You’re not going to stop the land developers from tearing down the Amazon Rain Forest in order to build housing and manufacturing plants. People in those areas need a place to live and grow their families.

    You’re not going to be able to convince world’s population of 7.9 Billion (tell you what, I’ll give you a billion people who may agree with what you’re saying is true and want to act on it) 6.9 Billion people that they need to up-end their lives for this.

    Since you like numbers and stats, here’s one for you; it took only 200 years for the Earth’s population to go from 1 billion to 7 billion. Right now it’s 7.9 billion… what will it be in 50 years? All these people need to be fed, housed and employed… who will do that? How can that be done if all fossil fuel based production is removed?

    Now that I think about it, this MMGCC may be a blessing. It’s creating lush forested areas in Siberia, Greenland and Canada where our population can expand without too much trouble. This will open up new areas that can be milled and tilled.


  3. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    Let’s just say hypothetically that you’re right and MMGCC is speeding up the process GCC is taking. There is nothing that can be done to stop it. You’re not going to be able to stop 1.4 Billion Chinese people and 1.4 Billion people in India from driving cars and using coal to fuel their power plants which in turn fuels their manufacturing and tech industries.

    If you were to shut it all down, it would deprive the world of its needed medication, clothing and technology. America and the world are dependent on these countries to supply these items. People need their insulin, botox, statins and many of medications that are no longer produced here in the US. People want their Ipads, MacBooks, smart phones and laptops. These items are mostly made in China by slave labor.

    You’re not going to be able to tell Elon Musk, China, Russia or India to stop sending rockets into space to set up communication, military and GPS satellites. You’re not going to stop Bezo’s or Brandson from ferrying people into space as tourists. You’re not going to stop the black marketer’s in Siberia from purposely heating up the permafrost so they can mine the remains of prehistoric animals to sell on the black market.


  4. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    Like Josh Fox’s Gasland?

    Phelim McAleer tried to debate him on this film but Josh wouldn’t have it and finally had him banned from any of his talks so… Phelim McAleer made his own film titled “FrackNation” in order to respond to the “Mis-Information” in Gasland.

  5. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    Please don’t take my directness as being discourteous. I can see your mind likes to deal with numbers and stats.

    As I pointed out many posts ago that the GCC advocates like to switch back and forth between GCC and Man-Made GCC (MMGCC), this way they can always steer the debate to a winning position. This is what you have done here so eloquently.

    My main point was always MMGCC was a scam which I believe I have proven especially with your acquiescing to my points. Every good scam artist starts with a kernel of truth, in this case, GCC and they massage the numbers and facts to draw out a crisis that needs to be addressed right away. All scam artists use scare tactics to get their marks to payout whatever it takes to make something go away. IE: scam calls from the IRS, Sheriff, Police, Windows Tech and so on. They start with a kernel of truth and spin their yarn all around you.

    I never stated that GCC wasn’t real; I just said it’s not man-made. The climate has been changing ever since the Earth was created. It has changed and it will always change for humanities benefit or not. That’s not in our control. Whether it happens in 200 years or 10,000 years the climate will change and it always will.

    My contention is with all the scammers profiting off it and making the American people pay for their mansions, luxury yachts and private planes so they can dash off to Scotland to show how much they care. Did you know that at that conference, to show how “green” they were, they used electric cars to ferry all the people from their private jets to the conference. To charge all those vehicles they had to bring a huge amount of generators to charge them because they couldn’t charge them all fast enough.

    Should you wish to continue this debate on MMGCC then I would be happy to but if we do then I think you should also provide links supporting your assertions’ as I did.

    I have had enough of people these days that say “Rules are for thee and not for me”.

  6. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    Okay, but how are they going to transform America and pigeon hole the American people?

    Through your ESG score… what’s an ESG score? Environment, Social and Governance score. All banks, companies and starting soon people will have a score rated to them. Basically, to get a loan or do banking in America your score will have to be above a certain point.https://www.esgthereport.com/what-is-an-esg-score/ https://www.diligent.com/insights/esg/esg-risk-scores/https://www.fbfs.com/learning-center/what’s-your-esg-investment-score

    As I said, Just follow the “Benjamin’s” baby.

    Biden family has taken over $31M from China.https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/chinese-elite-have-paid-some-31m-to-hunter-and-the-bidens/

    When our public leaders start to take “Climate Change” seriously then I’ll MAYBE start to think about it. For now, it’s all about how to get rich and have the American public pay for it. It’s about how we let China and India continue to become the main hub in manufacturing without any climate restrictions.

    You may say the world is ending soon… our world leaders are driving us there and we’re paying for it in more ways than one.

  7. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    Well, gee whiz, how can that go wrong? They have a monopoly on our medications and now on our food?

    At least we will still have our electric cars… that’ll save the Earth.

    In order to push the American people out of their cars, this administration has, through regulation, increased the price of gas. Two years ago national average for gas was $1.96 a gallon. This administration has cut our access to oil so now the average is $5 a gallon in CA. https://newsroom.aaa.com/2018/12/cheapest-december-national-gas-price-average-in-two-years/

    Elon Musk is making our electric cars and they’re made here in America. Well, not exactly. They’re being made in China.https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50921729

    All the materials used to build these electric cars, where do they come from? You guessed it… China.https://www.fpri.org/article/2020/10/chinas-monopoly-on-rare-earth-elements-and-why-we-should-care/

    That’s electric cars you would say, what about solar panels. We can dominate that market and be green… and save the Earth. Well, it’s been tried in the past. You might remember that $249M boondoggle called Solyndra. This current admin in the Green Deal is trying it again. I wonder what “elite” will get rich off us with this one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/specialreports/solyndra-scandal/

    Okay, that was then… but we can succeed this time. Actually, there is a reason China is the number one manufacturer of panels… it’s hard to beat a slave labor force in an open market.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57124636


  8. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    Maybe we should delve into that question. Is “Climate Change” a good business model? I should think it is. It seems our former VP has made some good money investing in “green” tech. He went from about $2M in 2001 to over $100M in 2012. There sure is a lot of “Green” in “Green” tech.https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/al-gore-has-thrived-as-green-tech-investor/2012/10/10/1dfaa5b0-0b11-11e2-bd1a-b868e65d57eb_story.html

    This year all our leader’s dreams may come true with the passage of the New Green Deal. It will transform our economy and our way of life well into the future. Why does it make them happy? Follow the “Benjamin’s” baby.

    It changes our farming by eliminating farming equipment over a certain size; hike oil prices which would make running the farming equipment costly. This in turn will raise the food prices; which brings inflation and crippling the middle class. It’s said that corporations will be exempt from a lot of the regulations. Good to have paid lobbyists on your side feeding our political leaders.

    You make ask, “where are all these “Benjamin’s” coming from?” Well, behind all our policies you’ll find many wallets open but I’ll pick just one.

    The policies put in place by China’s “Great Leap Forward” changed to how farming was done and it also prohibited people from farm ownership. Just like the policies being proposed here. In order to restrict farms from being passed down to families, the feds are increasing the “Inheritance Tax”. The question is; who is buying up all our farmland? You guessed it… China.https://agfax.com/2021/04/07/new-legislation-would-impact-tax-on-farm-estates-inherited-gains/https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/19/china-buying-us-farms-foreign-purchase-499893

    Biden steers 30B from farmer to Climate Change program.https://m.thebl.us/us-news/biden-diverts-30-billion-trump-earmarked-for-farmers-to-climate-change.html


  9. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    PREDICTION: In 1970, a California Newspaper Redlands Daily predicted there would be food rationing in 1984 and water rationing by 1980.

    In 1970, it was claimed there would be an Ice Age by 2000. This was not an Alex Jones theory it was accepted “science” and many papers reported it.https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/outreach/CDPW40/CD&PW_reeves_denver.pdfhttps://web.archive.org/web/20160805020812/http:/pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost_historical/doc/148085303.htmlhttps://web.archive.org/web/20060812025725/http:/time-proxy.yaga.com/time/archive/printout/0,23657,944914,00.html

    Now the prediction is by 2030.https://www.sciencenatures.com/2021/12/a-mini-ice-age-could-hit-earth-by-2030.html

    PREDICTION: In 1989, it was claimed that rising sea levels would drown countries by 2000. As I have stated in my previous post a former president built a $15 million ocean front home in Martha’s Vineyard but is now building another ocean front home in Hawaii. He doesn’t seem too concerned with rising sea levels.https://www.amlu.com/2020/08/22/president-barack-obamas-hawaii-beach-house-being-built-on-idyllic-site-of-magnum-p-i-mansion/

    I can keep going with these predictions and how our leaders and world leaders don’t seem to be concerned with it. They’re building their mansions, driving their SUVs, flying their private planes, navigating the world in their luxury yachts. cough John Kerry Boy, you have to wonder how they made all this money serving in public office and never having a real job.https://wealthygorilla.com/nancy-pelosi-net-worth/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/john-kerry-saves-500000-b_n_656985


  10. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot

    I’m going to title this response: It’s all about the “Benjamin’s” baby.

    First off, can we both agree that this climate change “crisis” has been going on for years without any of the predictions coming true? Can we both agree that “Climate Change” is a great business model and a great way for our leaders to get rich? That “Climate Change” is really only a way to pass legislation to bind the American people into picking up the tab for the rest of the world? No? Okay… strap in because we’re leaving Kansas.

    PREDICTION: In 1967, a dire famine was forecasted to hit by 1975. The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, November 17, 1967, Page 9https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/9818993/

    This is a prediction that never seems to go away:https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/02/famine-fewsnet-forecasting/431478/https://www.standard.co.uk/comment/comment/rosamund-urwin-apocalyptic-vision-awaits-if-we-ignore-climate-change-a2944556.htmlhttps://news.un.org/en/story/2020/09/1072712

    Just give the UN more billions of dollars and all this will be fixed. It’s all about the “Benjamin’s” baby.

    Actually, the deadliest famine in history was a man-made one in China 1959 -1961. It was caused by their political class instituting the “Great Leap Forward”. Wait… that slogan sounds familiar. Didn’t one of our political leaders use that as their campaign slogan?https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-deadliest-famines-ever.htmlhttps://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/scott-galupo/2012/05/02/what-barack-obamas-forward-slogan-really-meanshttps://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2012/apr/30/new-obama-slogan-has-long-ties-marxism-socialism/
