Cap’n Eddie is speaking with a heavy north-eastern US accent.
If you are from the US: think “Harvard” = “Hahvahd”, “Boston Yard” = “Boston Yahd”. “Dear” = “Deah”, “There” = “Theah”, etc.
“Ekert” = “Ekaht”. :)
If you are not from the US: the stereotypical way to represent the speech pattern of someone from the North East US (especially, Massachusetts, Maine, etc.) is to substitute the “rrrr” sound with the “ahhh” sound. There are other changes - and Wiley does a great translation - but the giveaway is usually the rrrr-to-ahhh.
@kossuth, Bdaysuit
Cap’n Eddie is speaking with a heavy north-eastern US accent.
If you are from the US: think “Harvard” = “Hahvahd”, “Boston Yard” = “Boston Yahd”. “Dear” = “Deah”, “There” = “Theah”, etc.
“Ekert” = “Ekaht”. :)
If you are not from the US: the stereotypical way to represent the speech pattern of someone from the North East US (especially, Massachusetts, Maine, etc.) is to substitute the “rrrr” sound with the “ahhh” sound. There are other changes - and Wiley does a great translation - but the giveaway is usually the rrrr-to-ahhh.