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  1. over 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I often like to take an argument, and make a non-argument of it… for instance, seems like everyone here has at least slightly different “beliefs.” But I think (hope) we can all agree on a few things:

    1: There are good and bad people in all walks of life. 2: Killing people is typically bad (if not necessarily). 3: Christians are smelly pirate whores…

    don’t respond to that… it was a joke… If it wasn’t funny to you, replace “Christians” with “Athiests”… “Politicians?”

    But seriously guys… we can disagree our whole lives and not change a thing… I think the important thing is finding common ground… for instance, I’m not religious, but I follow the golden rule (more than some religious people, I may say)…

    Because I feel pain, I assume others can feel pain as well… I’ve suffered, it sucks, so I’m against human suffering… That means I wouldn’t hurt someone else for my own pleasure (stealing a lambo. raping a young woman. shooting a dooshbag. etc.) however, I’m not willing to pawn my computer so children in 3rd world countries can eat tonight… neither are you apparently…