No bio available
Did we ever see the remodeled bathroom?
Tia is aunt. And 5 X 25 is $1.25
Alfred Hitchcock
I would call LDL a bagle (bagel pronunciation) – a basset and beagle cross
Typical basset hound, I am owned by two of them and have come to expect this
To quote Bugs Bunny- I should have taken a left turn in Alberqueque
or a praying mantis
I think Rover is thinking of no tree water to drink out of the tree stand
ok is there a hole in the bottom side of the coffee cup for the tail?
There was a store in El Cajon California in the 90’s called Hyram’s Guns & LIquor. He sold alcohol in the front and guns in the back
Did we ever see the remodeled bathroom?