I learned of Boxing Day when living in the Caymans. Boxing Day has a couple meanings through the years but the biggest is that after all the employees, butlers, cooks, etc, were done serving up the Christmas dinners and parties, they get the next day off since they had to work Christmas. Leftovers from Christmas were boxed up for them to take home. For entertainment the big thing was boxing, usually thought of as lower class enjoyment. So you got the day off and got to watch the boxing matches
I used to make my own. I took old discs and some super 8 film and taped them in place after snapping out the old ones. Couldnt always post to both sides, or you’d get a headache, but sometimes it worked. In the 70s, a neat way to view images I had taken at a concert or at a park!
I just wonder what her big plan is? Dates in the park? Bragging rights to “have” a boyfriend? Will some advantage show up so that he likes the relationship? (Like, majorly pick on his big sister?)
Aw man, and here I thought for a sec they were taking a moment to thank those that sacrificed for us so that we would be free to DO those things. Poignant to even stand in the rain and give thanks
its a reference to a movie (monty Python and the Holy Grail)