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- over 12 years ago on Frog Applause
almost 13 years ago
on Frog Applause
Love in The Time of Cholera100 Years of SolitudeMemories of My Melancholy Whores
<3 Gabriel Garcia Marquez
almost 13 years ago
on Frog Applause
Ted Bessell has been my fantasy boyfriend since I was 12 and Ann Marie is my forever hero! Random Awesome Fact: Marlo Thomas insisted that the series end without Ann and Don actually getting married and just being engaged because she didnt want the message of the show to be as long as you get married you get your happily ever after, Single Girls totally get Happily Ever After Too!
over 13 years ago
on Frog Applause
Simple Pleasure: leaving my phone in my car when I get home from work and ignoring the world to read a book and nap without interruption.
over 13 years ago
on Frog Applause
The Knitting pasta comic marked unknown is from Left handed toons Titled “Chopsticks” drawn by Drew 08/16/2011 post :)
I remember that one exactly because my Grandma Josaphine always used to try and teach me to crochet (not the same as knitting but close enough) and I NEVER could learn to do it. Oh Well, I can however use chopsticks properly at least, sigh….
over 13 years ago
on Frog Applause
per my boyfriend the crow tattoo is:
It’s binary, universal computer language. Binary consists of only two symbols 0 and 1 basically on and off. Each space is a 0 each bird is a 1 sooo..
01001101 01001111
01010110 01000101 = Move
The cool trick though, if you count the flying bird…
01001100 01001111
01010110 01000101 = Love
over 13 years ago
on Frog Applause
One thing I have to do today is find out where to pay my parking tickets.
almost 14 years ago
on Frog Applause
Oh My That post about smiling on the phone is now posted on my office wall…..Ahhhhh….
I work in Accounting and Collections for a Medical Facility….it might not help when I am trying to make a rep from India understand that his company owes $12,000 for a surgery that was preformed in July of last year, but it gave me a good laugh.
almost 14 years ago
on Frog Applause
Check out Chav weddings and you will find some amazing stuff, like this
Chav: A chav (pronounced /ˈtʃæv/ (CHAV)) is a stereotype of certain people in the United Kingdom. Also known as a charver in Yorkshire and North East England[1] “chavs” are said to be aggressive teenagers, of working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency.[
almost 14 years ago
on Frog Applause
The Bad Seed is my Favorite Movie of all time, I watched it the first time when I was 4, and I have been in Love with it ever since, Rhoda was AMAZING TO ME! Best Line is When Leroy says…
“There is a little Blue Electric Chair for Little Boys and a Little Pink Electric Chair for Little Girls”
bleeep That is a GOOD MOVIE.
I love the daily nail!