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club goes from right to left hand again….
and alley’s club switches hands once more
alley just can’t keep his club in one hand….
oop’s club is in his right hand on the 26th, in his left hand in today’s panel 1, then back to his right hand in panel 3
yes yochi you seem real nice, claiming oola as your wife and dragging her away from her home
what was so great about hamid pulling a knife on guz? and as usual, no consistency with which hand (if any) alley’s club is in
now alley’s club goes from right hand to inserted in his loin cloth….
June 11, 12, 14 – still no consistency in which hand alley’s holding his club…
oh and the knife not only switches hands but goes from being pointed up to pointed down today
club is gone again, knife switches hands bw panel 1 and 2 again….7 straight days of inconsistency. starting to think it might be intentional
club goes from right to left hand again….